Mama Snapping Turtle - June 2007
Baby Snapping Turtle On the Run - August 2007
A Helping Hand - August 2007
Baby Snapping Turtle a Second Before Diving Off the Dock and Swimming for Cover - August 2007
Word of the Day
Cowversation - A topic one continues to milk over and over because they've run out of other things to say.
I've been spending the morning packing. HTP and I will be leaving for Laughlin at such an early hour tomorrow morning that we plan to take our dog Muggsy over to my folks' place this afternoon. We've got to make a run into the city this afternoon to pick up a few things after that but I plan to see if I can get to bed early tonight...maybe right after supper. We'll have to see how well that works. I never sleep well. It's hard to turn off and shut down my mind at night, even when I'm exhausted and then if my "restless" legs decide to act up, that's a sure as heckfire guarantee that I won't get to sleep. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that my legs will co-operate.
We've decided to bring our laptop with us this trip. I'm not sure if I'll actually be able to use it or not. So...if you don't see a new blog entry between this one and Monday...don't worry too much. HTP and I will be back on Sunday but chances are I won't find the time to blog until Monday.
It's a beautiful day today here at The Lake. I hear that Laughlin is experiencing record high temperatures. I don't like wearing shorts in public but I'm packing some this time. Sleeveless shirts too. And a sweater. Casinos tend to zoop up the AC and everyone ends up freezing to death.
The turtles are hatching, the turtles are hatching. I went out to walk the dog and there at my feet was a little baby snapping turtle.
Murphyism of the Day
Randall's Law of Automotives
The flat doesn't occur until the day after the tire sale.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Pain makes man think. Thought makes man wise. Wisdom makes life endurable.
-- John Patrick
1 comment:
Cute pictures mom!
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