Putting in the Dock - Spring 2007...we'll be having to reverse this process in a few weeks *sigh*
Word of the Day
Crabbit - A furry crustacean characterized by fluffy long ears and menacing-looking pincers.
We're home! And why we left to go to Laughlin....well...I know why but let us just say that there is no "free" flights to Laughlin. Oh well...I didn't lose all that much at the casino. And it was a break from the day to day life here at The Lake. Nonetheless, once again I have had my opinion of Laughlin reinforced. I prefer Las Vegas. And above all else? There's just no place like home.
Since getting back home, I've picked the tomatoes and more beans than HTP and I could possibly eat in one meal. I canned one quart of beans and left the rest to eat with our supper tonight. We're going to be eating a lot of zucchini in the coming days as well. I can't can that...unless....I probably could make some zucchini bread. That I can freeze.
I refuse to dwell on the fact that HTP and I will only be here at The Lake for one month before we return to Arizona. Arizona is home for us too but I will miss the peace and quiet up here at The Lake. I've got a long list of things that need doing before we can hit the road.
I still have hummingbird feeders outside on the deck. I plan to leave the ones with nectar out until the remaining hummingbirds empty them for me. The rest, I'll bring inside to clean and store for the winter. Today is Labor Day and the last day that they recommend feeding the hummingbirds. The hummingbirds need to start flying south for the winter and they won't go while I'm still providing them with a free lunch.
Murphyism of the Day
Rob's Lament
As soon as you become familiar with all the shortcuts and secret parking places in town, you will be transferred to a different town.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if someone puts his hand on you, send him to the cemetery. -- Malcolm X
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