Among the Missing - With a Plentitude of Acorns in the Forest, the Squirrels Have Moved to Bigger and Better Things.
Word of the Day
Cravatinize - To procrastinate, usually from a function, party or church, whilst putting on a tie, cravat, bow tie, or other neckwear.
I finally took down the hummingbird feeders. My folks still have their feeders up but I think they plan to take their feeders down as soon as their supply of pre-made nectar runs out. I imagine that any remaining hummingbirds that were around our place will have flown least as far as the next remaining meal ticket. I've got all my hummingbird feeders washed and ready for winter storage.
I opened my last 25# bag of bird seed this morning and filled my seed feeders. The birds have been hitting them pretty hard. If I were to remain here all winter, I'd have to really stock up on the bird seed. As it is, I'm hoping that this bag of seed will last until the end of the month. If not, well...I just may end up taking the seed feeders in and storing them for the winter, empty. I don't like to keep bird seed over the winter. Mice.
The bane of HTP and my existence up here at The Lake is mice. The best that we can do is remove all sources of food, plug up all holes that we may find, put out poison, and then hope for the best. When MC Daughter and D Buddy opened up this spring, they found eight dead mice and a mess of "mouse tracks". *shudder* Thankfully, all evidence was removed before HTP and I had arrived. Well....almost all the evidence. The problem with D-con is that the mice don't die right away. It took me a while to find and clean up the stashes of d-con that they stored in various parts of the house. The beds, under the seat cushions, in shoes, etc. etc. HTP and I are going to try a different sort of poison this year. No little tidbits to carry around. Plus, we're going to try a few different types of traps. Build a better mousetrap....
The weather is cooling, as they (the weather guys) permitted. HTP and I are enjoying the cooler temperatures with windows open versus AC.
Murphyism of the Day
Rita's Rule
The one time you don't put money in the meter will coincide with the one daily visit of the meter maid.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Cynically speaking, one could say that it is true to life to be cynical about it.
-- Paul Tillich
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