Ms En at The Lake - September 2007
Word of the Day
Deadvertise - To advertise and promote political causes by death.
I got to spend some time this weekend getting to know my grandchild a bit better. Of course, at one month old, most of our communications were rather one-sided. However, I did find out that she likes to dance. I didn't try anything fancy with her at this point but she seemed to enjoy the Foxtrot, Swing, and Waltz. Maybe we'll progress to the Tango, Samba, or Cha-Cha next summer.
Ms En got to meet all of her Great-Grandparents this weekend along with most of her Great-Aunts and one of her Great-Uncles. She didn't get to meet and greet everyone but...we only had one weekend. As it was, she was passed from person to person...kind of like that bucket in a bucket brigade. There was never a lack of willing arms to hold her.
10 Days and a Wake Up Before HTP and I Fly South for the Winter
Please note that I'm not in a total panic as yet when it comes to the very little time that HTP and I have remaining here at The Lake. GI Joe and DD Daughter helped us bring our dock out of the water. There was a discussion about terminology when it comes to what we do with the boat and the dock in Spring versus Fall. In the Spring, we have to "Put the dock in" and "launch" the boat. In the Fall, we have to "pull or bring in" the dock and "take in" the boat. I think the word "in" is the confuser here. Which direction is "in"? Anyway, there will be no more cups of coffee out on the dock this year. Both the dock and the boat are "in". We still have to get the boat groomed for storage but we'll do that this week.
I'm going to put my garden to bed this week. I need to bring the tomato rings in, and I might as well pull and discard the dead vegetable foliage while I'm at it. I also need to bring in the wire supports for the lilies and peonies. And...I have to trim my geraniums and get them ready for storage in Sis' basement. She can give them a periodic drink of water before she and her hubby close their place up for the winter. Lots of outdoor work to do before we're supposed to get rain again tonight. On the "treat" side, I enjoyed a small bowl of fresh raspberries this morning from my tame raspberry plants. They weren't affected by the hard frost that killed the vegetable garden. Yummy!
Murphyism of the Day
Seventh Law Applied to Prototyping and Production
A purchased component or instrument will meet its specs long enough, and only long enough, to pass incoming inspection.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Oh, I don't blame Congress. If I had $600 billion at my disposal, I'd be irresponsible, too. -- Lichty and Wagner
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