A Summer Tree Frog - 2007
Word of the Day
Defriend - To break off friendly relations with somebody; antonym to befriend.
I played Wii with #1 Son last night. I actually broke through that 200 ceiling after our fourth game at bowling. Consistency is not a word that you can apply to my Wii bowling game. I must say however, that I've had a lot of fun bowling this summer with #1 Son. Bowling is something that I used to enjoy when I was in college, even though my wrist would suffer from the weight of the ball. With Wii bowling, I no longer have to worry about that. #1 Son plans to pack up the Wii game for me so I can take it back to Arizona. I'm not sure if I'll have an opportunity to play or not before he comes visit us over Christmas break but....we'll see.
Poor #1 Son! I've really had him toting and carrying this weekend. Last weekend I had GI Joe and DD Daughter toting and carrying when we took in the dock and boat. This weekend I had #1 Son help me with all the plants and the Earthboxes. #1 Son will be heading back to the big city, back to college, later today. We won't see him again until just before Christmas. I've started a list of things that I need to make sure #1 Son takes back to college with him before he heads out. It seems that if I don't make lists these days, I always forget something. Which reminds me....
4 Days and a Wake Up Before HTP and I Fly South for the Winter
I have to make a list (kind of like an inventory list) of the stuff here at The Lake in the pantry, etc. Stuff that I have lots of and stuff that I'll need next spring. I started these inventory lists after I bought that lifetime supply of coffee filters. The thing is that I was always buying things that I really thought I'd need and then finding that I already had them in the cupboard. When you have two homes, it's not always easy to remember what you have where. Like....do I have toilet paper in Arizona? What about vacuum cleaner bags? Or paper towels? That's why I need a list. Not to worry. I'm finding lots of uses for those coffee filters. They work great when it comes to making Limoncello and Arancello.
Murphyism of the Day
Bombeck's Law of Heredity
Insanity is hereditary; you get it from your kids.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Part of being creative is learning how to protect your freedom. That includes freedom from avarice. - Hugh Macleod
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