Sis Washing Bottles....LOTS OF BOTTLES! Fall 2007

Prep Work. Wash, Sterilize....then Fill. Fall - 2007

Syphoning. Sis Gets the First Tastes of Wine. Fall - 2007

Wining, My Poor Aching Feet! - Fall 2007

Filling 100+ Bottles with Wine - 2007

Corkers - Fall 2007

100+ Bottles of Wine on the....Sis and Me - Fall 2007

A Toast to the Wines of 2007

Tasting Vintage 2007 Prickly Gooseberry Wine
Word of the Day
Dark matter song - A song of such awfulness that it alone outweighs the rest of an artist or band's body of work.
A Blog in Pictures today. Sis and I started bottling wine at around 9:30 AM and we finally finished our clean up work at around 5:30 PM. I predicted 84 bottles of wine? We ended up with over 100 bottles of wine. Sis and I were desperately digging in my basement for additional bottles that we could use. With the three boxes (24) of bottles that we bought at the little wine shop in the city (that's all she had in stock), added to the one box (24) of bottles that I had stored in the basement (my wine cellar), we NEEDED more bottles. Sis and I are going to have to make sure that we warn the local wine shop owner next summer. THE TWO SISTERS ARE BOTTLING WINE AGAIN! Our favorite wine this year? I think it's a tie. All the wine is VERY GOOD (WONDERFUL) this year, but, we've got a tie for our favorite. Prickly Gooseberry Wine is so good that we aren't sharing. The bouquet is hard to describe. Although this wine is NOT sweet, the bouquet reminds us of candy and the memory of the aftertaste of the SweetTarts we used to get in our Halloween Trick or Treat bags lingered pleasantly on our tongues. I'd love to hoard our Dandelion Wine this year too but Sis and I did make enough to share...a little...maybe. We made Dandelion Wine last year. It was wonderful. We doubled our recipe and....this vintage is completely different. Better? This is a semi-sweet wine but not cloyingly so. The taste of honey and walnuts come to mind.
14 Days and a Wake Up Before HTP and I Fly South for the Winter
With only two weeks to go here at The Lake, DD Daughter and her hubby GI Joe are bringing Ms En. to see us this weekend. Mom and Dad are eager to hold her. HTP's folks are eager to hold her. HTP's sister is eager to hold her. Sis is eager to hold her. And that's just the start of my list. I could go on and on and on with all the people who are going to be cuddling Ms. En. Oh...and I've got three bottles of wine, vintage 2007, that I've prepped for Ms. En to open on August 17, 2028. She'll either have some wonderful wine to sip on as she celebrates her 21st birthday or....she'll have some wonderful vinegar to make into salad dressing. It's the thought that counts.
Murphyism of the Day
Old Grey Frog's Law on Wine Bottling
No matter how well you plan and do the math, there is always more wine than will fit into the bottles that you've bought. If you bought "n" bottles and you plan on "n+5" bottles, you will need "n+9" bottles.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Music with dinner is an insult both to the cook and the violinist.
-- G. K. Chesterton (1874 - 1936)
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