1/6th of the Veggie Garden - 2007
Word of the Day
Croctopus - A fantasy creature which has the head and partial body of a crocodile connected to eight tentacles similar to those of an octopus. Or....A Caribbean Reef Octopus.
I don't know how I slept a wink last night with the ominous words of the weather forecaster repeating themselves in my head. Frost Warning. I did what I could. I brought all my flower and herb pots inside. I covered my Earthboxes with a sheet. I did not go out and rescue or harvest anything from the garden. There were reasons for this. It's kind of hard to pick beans while you're juggling a flashlight. Oh well...I don't actually think that we got a hard frost. At least, when I got up this morning to check the temperature, it was 34°F. That's pretty darn cold. Unfortunately, it's supposed to get even colder than that by Friday. So...I guess I know what I'm going to be doing today...and maybe tomorrow. It's time to bring the harvest in and do something with it. Which is just as well because...
22 Days and a Wake Up Before HTP and I Fly South for the Winter
It's time to put the garden to bed. It's time to make piccalilli relish. It's time to can the beans. It's time to make dill pickles. And...I have just enough berries in the freezer to make some Sugarfree Very Berry Jam. I'm not bringing ALL of these things back to Arizona with me. Just most of the jam and half of the wine and liqueur. Of course, HTP is going to grump and groan about all the stuff I plan to bring back again but I'll worry about that another day.
Murphyism of the Day
Klipstein's Second Law Applied to General Engineering
Firmness of delivery dates is inversely proportional to the tightness of the schedule.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
The average person thinks he isn't. -- Father Larry Lorenzoni
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