Me and My Bushel Basket - Fall 2007
Sis "Relishing" - Fall 2007
Piccalilli Relish - Fall 2007
Word of the Day
Crudmuffin - An item of food so disgusting that one can't even stomach it. A food so sick-looking that one can't tell what it's supposed to be.
Another weekend come and gone. #1 Son is just packing up and getting ready to head back to The Big City. Me? I'm thinking about what HTP and I should have for supper tonight.
My sister and I canned 9 pints of relish yesterday afternoon. I canned 3 pints of Italian Green Tomato/Eggplant pickles. Then...#1 Son helped me by digging holes for me to plant the peonies and daylilies that I got in the mail last week. After that? I dug out some horseradish roots because Sis and I will be making horseradish sauce next week. Busy,busy. Because.....
18 Days and a Wake Up Before HTP and I Fly South for the Winter
Sis and I will also be bottling wine next week. Next weekend DD Daughter and her husband and Ms. En are coming to visit. Lots of things to do between now and then and then lots more before we're finally all packed up, loaded up and on the road.
Murphyism of the Day
Second Law Applied to Prototyping and Production
If a project requires "n" components, there will be "n-1" units in stock.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Dreaming permits each and every one of us to be quietly and safely insane every night of our lives. -- William Dement
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