A Fall View of The Lake - 2006
Word of the Day
Decidribel - A unit used to measure the stupidity of a speech.
9 Days and a Wake Up Before HTP and I Fly South for the Winter
Laundry Day. After today, there will be only one more laundry day before HTP and I lock the door, turn on the security system, and hit the road for Arizona.
We got more rain last night. Around 4:30 AM, we actually lost power for a bit. A really small bit. Before HTP had decided that maybe he should call the power company to report the outage, the power was back up and running again. So...added to my normal morning activities, I've been running around the house re-setting all the clocks. I may leave the clock on our answering machine. That one is a pain to re-set and since we turn the thing off when we leave anyway and we'll be doing that fairly soon....
My garden is officially put to bed. I brought in all the tomato rings and plant supports. I still need to bring my geraniums over to my sister's place. Next week. I also need to bring the Earthboxes into where I plan to store them in the garage. However, I did get all the hoses stored away.
HTP got the boat serviced for winter and rolled it into the garage for storage. My To Do list is gathering more and more check off marks.
The lady bugs have returned. I counted six of the little buggers crawling on the ceiling of our living room. Their return is a sure signal that Fall has indeed arrived. Of course, I figured as much when the leaves started to change colors and started to fall. I could live without the lady bugs. I know that next spring it'll take weeks to clean them all out of the house again.
Murphyism of the Day
Eighth Law Applied to Prototyping and Production
After the last of sixteen mounting screws has been removed from an access cover, it will be discovered that the wrong access cover has been removed.
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