Me (The Old Grey Frog), My Dad (T-Square), My Mom, My Brother (Willie), and My Sister (Sis)- Quick Take A Picture of the Rare Event When We're All in One Spot on Planet Earth- Summer 2007
Word of the Day
Deficacious - Possessing the quality of seeming effective, but effectively just full of crap, mierda, shiznit, and the like; producing, or capable of producing, the effect intended; as, an deficacious law. Origins: by Erich M Wedding, esq.
6 Days and a Wake Up Before HTP and I Fly South for the Winter
It's a beautiful, clear, sunshine-filled day today. The lake is mirror smooth. Only...the wasps are swarming. Lots of wasps. I'd love to go sit on my deck but every time I step outside, I'm surrounded by wasps looking for a warm winter home. That and the ladybugs. HTP and I decided that we'd adopt a wait and see attitude toward the ladybugs this fall. We got rid of our exterminator earlier in the summer. He used to spray for bugs around the house but it never seemed to make a difference. HTP and I decided to see what happens if we don't spray at all. I know that my daughter ended up vacuuming and vacuuming this spring to get rid of all the ladybugs when she and D Buddy got here before us. And then, when HTP and I arrived, we vacuumed and vacuumed again. That was WITH exterminator. Next spring when we get back here I'll have to see if there are mass quantities of ladybugs inside the house or if extermination made absolutely no difference in their numbers. We did find one type of spray that is supposed to work on ladybugs. Ladybugs seem to be particularly hard to kill but this stuff is supposed to work. If I find mass quantities of ladybugs next spring, I'll purchase the stuff and spray the house next fall. In the meantime, I seem to have a bit of a wasp problem...which isn't too bad, if I don't try and go out and sit on our south-facing deck. *sigh*
Packing continues. I won't start any really serious packing until next week. There's a possibility yet that HTP and I might make a run into the big city to go see his folks one more time before we head off to Arizona. In the meantime, we're looking forward to having a last Friday Fish Fry with #1 Son today.
Murphyism of the Day
Finnigan's Law
The farther away the future is, the better it looks.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
I do not want to die... until I have faithfully made the most of my talent and cultivated the seed that was placed in me until the last small twig has grown.
- Kathe Kollwitz
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