Hummingbirds at Dusk - Summer 2007
Word of the Day
Coffeecan - A crumby car that has a loud exhaust. Often one will find ground rust particles falling off of the vehicle.
One of my sprinklers bit the dust yesterday. HTP looked up from his computer for a minute and, looking outside, asked me if I meant for our oscillating sprinkler to stop oscillating and drown the flower bed by the front of our house with a constant and steady spray of water. There was no fixing it. Only, that left me with only one sprinkler to partner me in my sprinkler dance. HTP tackled the task of researching every oscillating sprinkler that is available to home gardeners and....drum roll please...we found one that is kinda sorta like the one that died. And then, HTP saw that the tractor sprinkler like the one that I'd always loved and we ended up giving to my folks when we moved to Arizona and they ended up giving to my brother Willie, was on sale at one of the hardware stores in the city. HTP hated that tractor sprinkler. He claimed that it always ended up jumping off the track and heading into the neighbor's yard. He told me that there was no way, no how that we'd ever get one of those evil tractor sprinklers again. At least, that's what he's been telling me for the last few years...every time I start my sprinkler dance and I ask if I can get a tractor sprinkler. So imagine my shock when HTP actually told me that the tractor sprinkler was on sale and maybe we should get one. Not wanting to waste a minute of this golden opportunity for getting the object of my sprinkler dance desires, I grabbed my purse and HTP and I headed to the city to get a tractor sprinkler before HTP changed his mind. And? I got another oscillating sprinkler to replace the one that bit the dust. As soon as we got home, I set up the tractor sprinkler and put it work, finishing up on the sprinkler dance that I'd been working at all day. It never skipped the track (hose), not even once. Of course, even if it did, my nearest neighbor is miles away and shouldn't really care all that much. It works great. Of course, there are areas where it won't work and I maybe need to get a longer hose but I think it'll make my sprinkler dance a lot easier.
I haven't caught any more chipmunks or bunnies or mice in my traps....yet. I'll keep you posted. I did, however, pick some more beans and the first of my cucumbers. Yesterday, I was shocked to find that I have 20 eggplant "fruit?", various sizes, on my four little eggplant that are growing in my two Earthboxes on the deck. What am I going to do with all that eggplant?! From what I'm seeing, I'll be harvesting my first eggplant "fruit" in another week or so.
Murphyism of the Day
Berkshire's Law of Household Budgeting
Just after you've made both ends meet, someone moves the ends.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Do not worry about your difficulties in Mathematics. I can assure you mine are still greater. -- Albert Einstein
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