#1 Son and Santa - 1994
Word of the Day
Elbonics - The actions of two people maneuvering for one arm rest in a movie theater.
I peeked under Christmas Calendar Door #18 yesterday and decided to tackle making the Italian Pizzelle last night instead of today. A bit of a head start for today. I made 10 dozen Italian Pizzelle last night. I know that it seems like I'm making more cookies and candies than one family could or should possibly eat. You're right. Today I packed up most of what I've made so far and got it ready for gifting. I don't just bake for one family. I baked for four families this year. That's two less than last year so that's why (even though it may not seem that way)I didn't bake as much as I usually do. I still need to decorate some of the brown sugar cookies but after that, the majority of what I've made will be heading out the door and on the way to friends' and neighbors' homes. HTP, #1 Son and me will still have plenty leftover to munch on this holiday season with enough leftover for #1 Son to box up and take back to college with him when he returns there after the first of the year.
Now that the baking is all done, I've been clearing the decks so I can vacuum and dust. If I find the time, I'll even tackle a bit of wrapping. Maybe. I'm feeling a bit lazy and besides...today is Tuesday. Laundry Day. Laundry must be done no matter what the season.
Murphyism of the Day
Second Law of Business Meetings
If there are two possible ways to spell a person's name, you will pick the wrong spelling.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
A strong positive mental attitude will create more miracles than any wonder drug.
- Patricia Neal
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