DD Daughter and Santa - 1979
Word of the Day
Dr. Pepsier - The result of mixing Dr. Pepper and Pepsi.
The morning was spent at the church. I practiced with the church orchestra for when we play for the Sunday before Christmas. I'll have to practice with them again next Sunday. After that, I organized the music the director gave me for the third service. Sight-reading. Most of it was stuff that I'd played before so there wasn't too many problems for me to play for the third service with the contemporary group. I don't think that we play for any of the Christmas Eve services. #1 Son will be playing with the brass ensemble for one of the services but I'm not sure which one at this point.
Since I was out with the car, I thought it would save on gas if I did my grocery shopping on the way home. Done and did. HTP and I are getting tired of leftover turkey. I bought a beef roast but I'm going to save that until tomorrow night's supper. Tonight we'll have steaks on the grill. I even bought baking potatoes.
HTP is working on putting the finishing touches on our Christmas letter labels, etc. I expect that I'll be working on my Christmas cards tomorrow...or next week. As for decorating? Maybe tomorrow.
Murphyism of the Day
The Bering Distinction
Philosophy is questions that may never be answered. Religion is answers that may never be questioned.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
There are a terrible lot of lies going around the world, and the worst of it is half of them are true.
- Sir Winston Churchill
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