Christmas Dinner - 2006
Word of the Day
Emongous - A large conglomeration, especially of companies, often through electronic media.
Christmas Calendar Door #24!
'Twas the Day Before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even my spouse....
OK...actually....I'm stirring and so is Gypsy but aside from that everyone is still sleeping, which isn't really too unusual. As I write this, it's only 7:40 AM. There might be a bit more stirring going on in an hour or so. Gypsy was hungry and she wanted to go outside. I don't think it's totally out of line that a puppy should want to get up and go after a long night in her kennel. She's a good little girl. However, Gypsy and I will have to start training exercises. She needs to learn the commands: "In the kennel" "Outside" and "Basket". As it stands right now, I put her in the kennel, I put her outside, and...actually...she's pretty good at the basket command if I'm sitting at my computer. Other than that...there's a whole lot of "I putting" going on.
I'm going to make a special breakfast for everyone as soon as I notice a bit of stirring going on. It's Christmas Eve...let them sleep! As soon as I finish this blog entry, I plan to put my feet up and work on a Sudoku puzzle with Gypsy by my side. There's no rush. We don't go to church tonight until 4 PM. Opening presents? Only one tonight after we get home from church. And then it's off to bed to await for Christmas morning.
Last night, HTP and #1 Son played Guitar Hero on the XBox. From what I hear..or heard...last night (oh...my ringing ears), there is absolutely no advantage weighing in if you know how to play a guitar. HTP knows how to play a guitar. I mean...HE REALLY KNOWS HOW TO PLAY THE GUITAR. I heard a lot of blonkers coming from HTP's Guitar Hero guitar last night. They were still at it when I toddled off to bed. Despite the blonkers, it sounded like HTP and #1 Son had a wonderful time last night.
Murphyism of the Day
Boren's Laws
1. When in doubt, mumble.
2. When in trouble, delegate.
3. When in charge, ponder.
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