MC Daughter and DD Daughter talking to Santa - 1983
Word of the Day
Ebiot - An online winning bidder who pays in excess of retail on a completely worthless item.
Good Grief! Time is flying. I opened Christmas Calendar Door #10 this morning. I cranked up my Christmas music collection on the surround sound to get into the mood. It's only somewhat successful but.... I did get all my out-of-town packages wrapped and into mailing boxes. UPS just came to pick up two of them. USPS will be coming tomorrow to pick up the rest. It's nice that you can actually print out labels on the computer these days. No more standing in line at the post office...except for the overseas packages...and I've already done those. With all the packages done, I may tackle a bit of baking. After lunch.
HTP was rather horrified with one of the newest toys that I gave Gypsy. It's a stuffed Santa doll. I guess the sight of Gypsy gnawing on Santa's face and playing tug-a-war with her teeth firmly chomped onto Santa's mittened hand, is a bit much for him. He stood there watching last night as Gypsy and I played fetch with the stuffed Santa with this horrified expression on his face...but...he did get into the spirit of things...eventually, tossing Santa across the room for Gypsy to fetch for him. I tried to dress Gypsy up with the reindeer antlers and jingle bells but she balked at the antlers and the jingle bells just scared the heck out of her. She ran and hid under some pillows on the couch. Poor baby. So...instead I got her the Santa doll and a big red stuffed mitten. I was going to give her these toys for Christmas but then I reasoned that these were the perfect toys for BEFORE Christmas and during the holiday season. I'll take them away afterwards and stow them away with our Christmas decorations for her to play with again next Christmas.
Murphyism of the Day
Kirby's Comment on Committees
A committee is the only life-form with twelve stomachs and no brain.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Genius is of no country.
- Charles Churchill
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