MC Daughter and DD Daughter - Christmas 1983
Word of the Day
Ebenzy - A situation brought about by, or activity experienced by, a group of online bidders who, in a frenzied state, needlessly drive up the price of an auction item.
I was right. Behind Christmas Calendar Door #9, I found the need to get things wrapped up and ready to be mailed. After the orchestra practice at the church, I went shopping for a few last minute items that need to go into the boxes that I'll be mailing. I bought some window decorations and some cordless candles to put in the window. I forgot to buy batteries. I put it on the list of things to buy the next time I'm out and about shopping. *sigh* and while I was out this time I got this really cute Christmas outfit for Gypsy. I couldn't resist anymore. She's going to hate it but hopefully I'll be able to take a quick picture before she chews it up. It's all DD Daughter's fault. It was her idea to buy antlers for Gypsy to wear for Christmas. *sigh*
We got one inch of rain again the other night. Yup! Someone drove into a wash and got her car stuck. There's always someone who does this every single time it rains. Last time it was someone who road his bike into the wash. Lost his bike. Last time I heard, he was still looking for it. This time it was someone who claimed to be unfamiliar with our Stupid Motorist Law and our washes here in Arizona. They still fined her $600. We got another few drops of rain while I was out shopping but nothing measurable.
Murphyism of the Day
Kennedy's Comment on Committees
A committee is twelve people doing the work of one.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
The man who writes about himself and his own time is the only man who writes about all people and all time.
- George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)
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