DD Daughter - Christmas 1978
Word of the Day
Downpause - The split second of dry weather experienced when driving under an overpass or in a tunnel during a storm.
It rained in Arizona! It rained and rained and rained. The weather people were right. Of course, I haven't tuned into the TV this morning to find out if any stupid people decided to drive into raging washes, but I can see my weather gauge from my window. According to my gauge, we received almost 1 3/4 inches of rain yesterday and last night. That's a lot of rain for Arizona. Not so much for Wisconsin but I'm betting the washes were flowing and the streets were flooding.
I found out that my poor baby Gypsy DOES NOT like rain. *sigh* She stubbornly refused to "do her thing" while I stood with her out in the rain yesterday. Eventually, her poor little puppy bladder couldn't take it any more and she had her second accident in the house since she's joined our family. *sigh* I wasn't watching as close as I should have. She lulled me. After that I forced her to go outside with me two more times in the rain and still she refused to "do her thing". I finally left her outside (under the protection of our patio roof) while I went inside to answer the phone and....she decided to "do her thing" outside on the concrete patio by the door....where it was dry. *sigh* Good enough. At least she "did her thing" outside and not on my carpet. I noted that she's back to her normal self this morning. It's not raining anymore. As I was outside with her this morning, I was thinking, "Well, thank goodness Gypsy is finally back to acting normal this morning." I'm sure that Gypsy was thinking, "Well, thank goodness, Mommy is back to acting normal this morning and isn't dragging me out in that nasty wet stuff." I'd heard that spaniels really love the water but maybe that's just when it's their idea and not Mother Nature's idea. We're supposed to get more rain today but I don't expect that it'll be an all day affair like yesterday....at least, according the the weather people. I'll have to take Gypsy on her walks during the non-rainy times. I'm hoping this won't be a problem by the time HTP and I return to Wisconsin in the Spring. Wisconsin tends to get a lot (Underline that last and capitalize it!) more rain than Arizona.
It's December 1st. No more excuses about decorating the house for Christmas. I did add to my snowglobe collection the other day so that's a start. I'll have to wait until things dry off a bit outside...maybe tomorrow...to put out my outdoor decorations. No lights. Just a few bows and a wreath for the front door. We keep things simple. If #1 Son were here, I might have been able to talk him into putting some lights on the house but since HTP and I moved to this house, we've never bothered. Some of our neighbors put lights up on their houses but most of them stick to those lighted statues. I have no idea where they store those huge things after Christmas. I know I don't have the room in my garage. Actually...I think I may have donated the Christmas lights that HTP and #1 Son used to put up on our past homes for that very reason. No room in the garage to store a lot of stuff, at least, not since we moved to this current home.
I've got an orchestra practice tomorrow morning at the church. Maybe I'll feel more motivated to do my decorating after I've played some Christmas music. The music director from the church just dropped off my music for the practice. We're playing at at the Christmas Eve service. She dropped of some music for #1 Son too. He'll be playing with the brass ensemble. I'll have to remember to remind him to bring his trumpet home with him. As for this Sunday, I'm playing for the third service too. *sigh* It looks like I'll be sight-reading again. She forgot to bring me that music. Oh well...I'll be all warmed up from the orchestra practice and sight-reading has never been all that hard for me. Besides, she tells me that it's all going to be Christmas-type music and mostly things that I've played before.
Murphyism of the Day
Gutierrez's Law
True freedom is freedom from choice.
Old Grey's Comment on Gutierrez's Law
Freedom from choice? Isn't that what The Nanny State is all about? Maybe we'd better call this Hugo Chavez's Law.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Our envy of others devours us most of all.
- Alexander Solzhenitsyn
What's on my head?
Judging by the expression on my face, I suspect I was thinking the same thing in the picture.
Or else I was suspicious of the intentions of the dude sitting next to me.
You had a bow on your head...in your hair. I think it was a sticky bow. I was thinking that you might have been pointing at the dude next to you and wondering..."Who/What the heck is that?!"
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