MC Daughter and DD Daughter Visiting With Santa - 1981
Word of the Day
Dragonass - An old Chinese disease whose symptoms causes workers to be slackers.
And behind Christmas Calendar Door #4.....
I finished up all the Christmas cards this morning after breakfast. They're all addressed, stamped and sealed, ready to be mailed. Then...when I went outside to get the morning newspaper that I forgot to bring in this morning...I saw a couple of my neighbors putting up their Christmas lights and decorations in the front of their house. So, after bringing the paper inside, I decided to put up the outdoor Christmas decorations that I use every year. Having done that, I brought in a couple of boxes of indoor Christmas decorations and took the Charlie Brown tree, stored in its box, down from the top shelf of the garage. After that I decided I'd done enough Christmas stuff for today. Today is Tuesday after all, I'm doing laundry. Wouldn't want to overdo.
I got to bed late last night. There's this new mini-series called The Tinman on the SciFi channel. I thought I'd missed it because the thing first played on Sunday...really late. 10 PM - Midnight. That's a bit late for me. However, last night they repeated the first show of the series at 8 PM - 10 PM. Woohoo! I got to see it. Only...then they went on to play the second show of the series from 10 PM - Midnight and I stayed up to watch it despite the late hour. If I'd known that they would be repeating that second show at 8 PM tonight, I wouldn't have stayed up so late. Oh well...they are repeating the second part at 8 PM and showing the 3rd part tonight at 10 PM. I may wait and watch that third part tomorrow night. Staying up past midnight is a bit much for me. As for my review of the show? I like it. It's fun. Dark. Interesting story-line. Colorful. Good special effects.
I picked and ate half of the first grapefruit of the year from my dwarf grapefruit tree. Yummy. I'm saving the second half for an afternoon snack or...maybe tomorrow's breakfast. My poor dwarf grapefruit tree. The fruit is so big and heavy that the tree just can't hold it off the ground. I noted that my tangelo's are just starting to turn a yellowish orange. I'm going to wait until they turn fully orange before sampling them. I counted roughly 18 tangelos on the tree. I expect that there will be more in the coming years. As for my dwarf lemon and lime trees...still no fruit. Maybe next year.
Last year I made some Limoncello and experimented with making Arancello. A successful experiment, if I do say so myself. So...I do plan to make Arancello and Limoncello again this year. I can buy the fruit I need for these at one of the local citrus groves. I was going to use the tangelos to make some "Tarancello" (totally bogus invented name...just can't find the word for tangelo in the Italian dictionary). I still may experiment with this since the rinds of the tangelos will be discarded if I don't. It looks like there is enough tangelos out there for at least one recipe of "Tarancello". I know...sounds rather like a large hairy spider but....
OK. Since I got the laundry done early, I started with my indoor decorating. Thing is, I had to dust the entire place and move stuff around before I could even start thinking of putting out my snowglobes. I did the dusting. The snowglobes will have to wait until tomorrow. However, I put up the Christmas wall-hangings. Crewelwork and needlepoint pictures that I made over the years. I also dug out the Christmas crocheted doilies that I've made over the years and placed them here and there in preparation for the snowglobes and the Christmas creche. I'll work on that tomorrow.
Murphyism of the Day
Larson's Law
A lot of people mistake a short memory for a clear conscience.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
[The body is] a marvelous machine...a chemical laboratory, a power-house. Every movement, voluntary or involuntary, full of secrets and marvels!
- Theodor Herzl (1860 - 1904)
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