MC Daughter and DD Daughter - 1982
Word of the Day
Ebanatic - An online bidder who bids relentlessly on an item until he wins without regard to the actual cost - Almost always bidding more than retail.
So...I couldn't even open Christmas Calendar Door #7 until I got home from having another go around with the mammogram people. If it were dark outside, I think I'd probably be glowing in the dark about now. They really seemed intent on finding something. Anything. Despite all their best efforts, they couldn't find a thing....so they want to try again in six months. Love it. Well, at least they're thorough.
Oh well, at least HTP and I had the opportunity to go out to eat for lunch and go shopping. I found some buttons for Ms. En's Christmas socks. I've got baking supplies. So, no more excuses for that. Our local health food store had brown eggs on sale. I've got real eggs. I've never bought brown eggs before. I'm told that there really isn't any difference between brown and white eggs. The only reason that I bought them was because I needed eggs for baking and these brown eggs were cheaper than the white ones. Besides, these eggs are supposed to be healthier for us because they're organic.
I finally opened Door #7 when I got home. There just wasn't too much behind it....of course, I didn't look too hard. I set up the creche. I'll look again in a bit to see if I can find the task of setting up the snowglobes in there. If not, it'll have to wait until tomorrow.
Murphyism of the Day
Kim's Rule of Committees
After an hour as been spent amending a sentence, someone will move to delete the paragraph.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
A person is always startled when he hears himself seriously called an old man for the first time.
- Oliver Wendell Holmes (1809 - 1894)
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