My Little Fudge Face, Gypsy - December 2007
Word of the Day
Enjoice - Using false joy to talk someone into sharing an undesirable task; to entrap somebody by the appearance of joy, to deceive or trick into difficulty.
I normally don't get into politics or happenings around the world here in my blog. My preference is to keep things light and fluffy and serene. However, sometimes I feel that it's important for a reader to see some of the background that colors the lives of people living on this time and date in our world. Despite the fact that we've been having freezing temperatures in my little corner of Arizona, despite the fact that I still have to do laundry on a weekly basis, despite the fact that I'll probably be taking Christmas decorations sometime in January, despite the daily lives of me and mine, politics and murder and mayhem and events that depress, events that I just can't understand, history happens. Some day my grandchildren will study these historical events. Today we have Democrats deciding on the person that they want to run for President of the United States in 2008. Today we have Republicans trying to decide who they want to run for President of the United States of in 2008. We've got after Christmas sales and returns. A tiger escaped from the zoo in California and killed a man and wounded two others. And then this morning, someone shot and killed the former prime minister of Pakistan. Not satisfied with this demonstration of religious fervor, he proceeded to blow himself up. Surely God will reward him with a multitude of virgins when he reaches heaven.
Bhutto, a former two-time prime minister of Pakistan, was killed in a suicide attack in Rawalpindi just 10 weeks after she returned to her homeland from eight years in exile. A suicide attack on her homecoming parade killed more than 140 people. The articulate, poised 54-year-old had lashed out at the spread of Islamic extremism as she campaigned for next month's parliamentary elections. By ANDREW O. SELSKY, Associated Press Writer.I don't understand this sort of religious extremism. How can anyone believe that God would want a person to kill someone else in God's name? How can anyone believe that God would want a person to treat a woman as something less than a man? How can anyone believe that God would want a world without joy, without music, without beauty? Where love for God is the only love allowed? I just don't understand this sort of religious belief. The God I pray to is bigger than such beliefs, limitations, and hate.
To my children and grandchild(ren)? Every day life still happens. Despite the events of the day, despite hurricanes, tornadoes, storms, floods, terrorism...the laundry still needs doing. Supper still needs to be put on the table. The beds need making. Dust settles on the furniture and still needs to be removed. The dog still needs to be fed and walked. Gardens need planting and harvesting. Despite the troubling events of the day, life continues and needs must and will be met. In God we place our faith and trust. And tomorrow? The sun will come up. I'll walk the dog. I'll pick up the mail. I'll write my blog. I'll eat and sleep. I'll hug and keep my family and friends close in my heart. I'll offer up more prayers. And, God willing, I'll do it all again the day after tomorrow and all of next year and many more years to come.
Murphyism of the Day
Phillip's Law of Committee Procedure
The only changes that are easily adopted are changes for the worse.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
- Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)
1 comment:
That killed me when I heard the news about Bhutto's assassination yesterday. I'm still upset about it. I haven't been following the politics in Pakistan, but whenever I caught a story about her on the news I did a silent little cheer for her for being so brave. A female leader in such a male dominant society is a strong strong woman. Her death is a tragedy for women everywhere.
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