The Columbines are Blooming - June 2008
Word of the Day
Ignisecond - The overlapping moment of time when the hand is locking the car door even as the brain is saying, "my keys are in there!"
Woodtick Count - 25
Will we ever get a real summer here at The Lake? I woke up to 43 F....outside....not inside. It's 66°F inside. HTP hasn't complained to much that I don't want to turn on the furnace. Put a sweater on! I'm not really complaining about the lack of summer heat but I'm beginning to think that the reason we've got so many woodticks this year is due to all this cool weather. Even with Frontline, Gypsy has had a few that I've had to remove...not in my woodtick count. The woodtick count are all mine. I've flushed so many woodticks this year that I'm beginning to worry about the waste of water and electricity.
I haven't actually started packing for New York as yet. The suitcases are still in the closet. I've got my list. Lists. However, I have cleaned out my purse and I've removed all those sharp objects that airline security doesn't want you to have when you board the plane. I still need to get a quart-size Ziploc bag for my lotions. I don't own any quart-size Ziploc bags because I use either the gallon-size or the sandwich-size. Apparently, airline security doesn't like the gallon-size or the sandwich-size bags. I wonder if they get a kick back from the people who make those quart-size bags?
Murphyism of the Day
Sherman's Rule of Press Conferences
The explanation of a disaster will be made by a stand-in.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
I have such poor vision I can date anybody.
- Garry Shandling
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