My Faux Indigo - June 2008
Word of the Day
Incentivize - To provide an incentive for a particular behavior.
MC Daughter made supper last night. We had BBQ pork riblets, cornbread muffins, oven-roasted potatoes, and a fresh garden salad. And...I woke up this morning to a beautifully clean kitchen. Even the kitchen sinks were sparkling. Since the first load of dishes was still washing in the dishwasher when I went to bed last night, I can't take the credit. All I need to do this morning is put away the second batch of dishes in the dishwasher...clean dishes. Not too shabby.
We got a little rain after supper. Not enough to drive us off the dock. We didn't catch any fish but that's OK. Sometimes, not catching fish is as fun as catching fish...this said by the person that would have to clean the catch.
I've decided that Gypsy does NOT like cats. MC Daughter brought Phobia (Cat #1) out to play on the deck yesterday afternoon. Gypsy found her voice and voiced her objections. Yes, Gypsy can bark and she proved it as she hid in her safe spot between my feet...under my chair. I had to stop laughing long enough to reprimand her for her barking. Phobia just hissed a bit in response as she stalked around the deck, checking out my plants. At least she didn't eat any parsley....like Gypsy did that one time. Later in the afternoon, MC Daughter brought out Trifoles (sp?) (not Todd...I had a brain blip, Todd is one of DD Daughter's cats)to play outside in the lawn. This time Gypsy pretended to ignore the presence of a cat...but....I knew that she wasn't really ignoring the cat because she still took up a secure position between my legs...just to be on the safe side. Poor Gypsy. At least, this time she didn't bark.
Murphyism of the Day
Shaffer's Law
The effectiveness of a politician varies in inverse proportion to his commitment to principle.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
The only sure thing about luck is that it will change.
-Bret Harte (1836 - 1902)
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