Who Me? - June 2008
Word of the Day
Indisuggestion - Any entirely useless remedy for getting rid of gas, or indigestion; possibly through hypnosis.
Gypsy and I are going to have to work on Gypsy's "how to act when company is around" skills. One does not drink out of someone else's glass while that person's back is turned. One does not lick the rim of someone else's beer bottle while that someone is fishing. I'm afraid that Gypsy didn't make herself loved last night on the dock. MC Daughter was the target of last nights misbehavior. First Gypsy stuck her nose into the glass of water that MC Daughter brought down to the dock to drink while she was fishing....thus firmly claiming said glass of water for herself because after a puppy's nose and tongue was sampling her water, MC Daughter didn't want it anymore. But then....not content with the water, Gypsy had to check out MC Daughter's beer. I think it's the malt in the beer that attracted her. I'd hate to think that my dog was developing a drinking problem. She didn't get the beer despite her attempts. Either the humans are going to have to learn to keep their beverages out of the reach of puppy noses and tongues or I'm going to have to figure out how to train Gypsy not to touch....or...Gypsy won't be allowed to mingle with company out on the dock where there aren't too many places to put beverages where Gypsy can't reach them. Weird dog! This never used to be a problem with any of my other dogs.
Wow! It's July already?! It still doesn't feel much like summer though it's supposed to get quite warm this afternoon. I noted some hard little green tomatoes forming on my tomato plants out on the deck and my cucumbers are blossoming but other than that and the lettuce that I've been able to pick, my gardens are coming along pretty slowly. I'm not even sure that the corn is knee high at this point. I'm referring to the corn out in the neighboring fields. I don't grow corn. Corn required too much space. Out here at The Lake you'd need to plant an acre of it if you want to end up with corn, what with all the predators out in the woods. Deer, woodchuck, raccoons, rabbits, the list goes on. If I want to eat corn on the cob...I go out and buy from one of the local farmers. They can plant acres of the stuff. I can't.
Murphyism of the Day
Hunter's Law
No matter how dishonorable, every politician considers himself honorable.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Civilization is the art of living in towns of such size the everyone does not know everyone else.
- Julian Jaynes
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