The Swing at The Lake - Picture taken in 2004....Blink and you'd swear it was 2008.
Word of the Day
Intaxication - Euphoria at getting a refund from the IRS, which lasts until one realizes it was one's own money to start with.
Beautiful! The weather perfect! These were my thoughts as I sat on the swing in my backyard, playing with Gypsy. Cool, but not so cool that I really needed the sweatshirt that I'd just taken off. Breezy. Just enough breeze to counteract the afternoon sun and keep the mosquitoes at bay. Perfect. Are you waiting for a "but" phrase? Sorry. There won't be one. If there would be more days here at The Lake just like yesterday, we'd be over-run with people wanting to live here. Thankfully, this isn't the case. I was able to enjoy the perfect silence of Nature....which really isn't all that silent when one comes to think of it. The leaves rustling and the branches creaking in the wind. The birds singing. The splash of the water against the shore and the added splash of the fish creating rings within rings as they leap here and there in the lake. Yesterday was beautiful and it looks like today may be beautiful too. I hope I didn't just jinx things.
Murphyism of the Day
Law of Governmental Self-Fulfillment
The more money spent on the feasiblility study, the more feasible the project.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Finance is the art of passing money from hand to hand until it finally disappears.
- Robert W. Sarnoff
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