We Need to Buy and Wash More Bottles Than Last Year?! We're going to need more countertop space too!
Word of the Day
Intenternet - What the Internet was intended to be.
We're getting rain! At least....I hope we get some measurable rain. Unfortunately, it seems like we live in an area where an umbrella forms over our heads and the clouds part, proceeding on their way North and South of us and then as soon as they pass us, reform and dump on our neighbors to the East. Of course, some would say that this is a good thing. We haven't had any "race to the basement" moments. We've had enough rain to keep the wild berries happy but no hail to damage my garden. And, I've only had to do the sprinkler dance once this summer. But...I do love a good storm, especially at night.
The deerfly have returned to The Lake. I can't go outside without a hat...ever...even on Gypsy and my perimeter checks in the morning. I'll be spending the rest of the summer with hat hair. I'll also have to keep a sharp eye for the sneaky ankle and elbow biters that zoom in under the radar and blind-side you. One deerfly managed to bite Gypsy yesterday. It got her before she noticed. They're sneaky that way. I swatted it for her because she could reach but it had already done its thing. I hate deerfly! Nasty things. Even though it's starting to get hot outside, I'm reluctant to go outside in shorts, sandals, or sleeveless shirts. I don't welt up from mosquito bites anymore ( built up immunity from years of bites?), but I REALLY welt up with deerfly bites and end up with multiple sores for each bite even though I don't scratch the bites. I must be allergic. Actually, the stupid tick bites end up driving me itchy insane and welting up too but at least I don't get the sores that take so long to heal up. Since Sis and Mom both seem to have the same problem as I have with deerfly bites, I imagine it's some kind of allergic reaction.
Oh well...enough whining. It's better to make and drink wine than spend too much time inserting an "h" into the word. Today will be a good day to clean the kitchen and do the indoor things I've been putting off because I'd rather do outdoor things.
Murphyism of the Day
Inge's Axiom
It is useless for sheep to pass resolutions in favor of vegetarianism while wolves remain of a different opinion.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Would those of you in the cheaper seats clap your hands? And the rest of you, if you'll just rattle your jewelry.
- John Lennon (1940 - 1980)
I used to swell up from deer flies. If I got bit on my foot I would swell up to my knee. Now I am immune. Best anti itch I have found is paste of meat tenderizer. Even works on tick bites.
My grandson had a deer tick in his groin and wouldn't let anyone do anything till the itch from it got bad. Then he let his mother remove it. It is so tiny I'm sure I would not be able to see it among all my moles.
Ewwwww! Your poor grandson! I hate those little ticks! Some are smaller than a grain of sand. HTP can't even figure out how I spot them. I don't even want to think about having one on the more private parts.
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