Old Grey Frog Picking Raspberries - Picture taken by MC Daughter in 2007 The hat's the same, the person is almost the same ( a bit heavier), the bushes are twice as thick and LOTS taller, but....MC Daughter is in Indiana right now and things haven't changed THAT much.
Word of the Day
Jampage - 1. The screaming and dancing rampage one goes on when they jam or stub a body part on a household object. 2. A jamming session that is rampageous enough to make the listener believe that the musician is crazy. 3. The frenzy a person gets into when making homemade jam.
HTP and I had some blueberry pie for dessert last night. Not to worry. I used Maltitol instead of sugar. Wonderful! As a matter of fact, I've been resisting the temptation to have another piece this morning. Every time I go into the kitchen, that pie is calling my name. Eat me! Pie isn't breakfast food but I can't actually see a reason why it couldn't become breakfast food. A piece of sugarfree pie would be lots more nutritious than one of those fruit-filled, sugar-laden, bismarks....don't you think? Oh well...I went outside and picked more ripe blueberries this morning because I plan to make some blueberry pancakes for breakfast.
I think I'll make some jam today too. I've got enough frozen raspberries to make one batch of sugarfree raspberry jam and I think I can pick enough rhubarb to make at least one batch...maybe two...of rhubarb/strawberry jam. Sugarfree.
It's too wet out (morning dew) to pick the beans this morning. I'll have to wait until things dry off a bit. Actually, I probably could hold off on picking until Monday or Tuesday but HTP and I have to make a run into The Big City on Tuesday We're helping HTP's Mom and Dad get all the paperwork taken care of for their new apartment. They'll be moving in early August....around the same time that DD Daughter, GI Joe and Ms. En are coming to The Lake to visit and celebrate Ms. En's first #1 Birthday. So, anyway, I'll have to pick and can the beans that are out there today and I'll probably have to pick and can again on Wednesday. I noted that the raspberries could be picked again today but...I just picked them yesterday! I just don't have the energy to pick raspberries every single day. They'll have to wait until Monday...tomorrow....and hopefully the birds and critters don't gorge themselves on what's out there in the meantime.
Murphyism of the Day
De Balzak's Axiom
Behind every great fortune, there is a crime.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
There is absolutely no inevitability as long as there is a willingness to contemplate what is happening.
- Marshall McLuhan (1911 - 1980)
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