Home Sweet Home
Word of the Day
Jeatjet - "Have you eaten yet?"
Tired. I haven't even done much today. I only just got the laundry started and folded one single load of towels. However, weirdly enough, I feel less tired than I did before I did my push-up challenge assignment for the day. Somehow, I managed to complete the entire set and the final twenty push-ups didn't kill me as much as they did the day before yesterday. However, I'm still tired. A trip to The Big City on top of everything else just seemed to suck every drop of energy out of me. Too bad HTP and I have to drive into a big city to take care of some business today. I was going to see if I could take Gypsy to the groomers while we were in the big city but it looks like EVERYONE is getting their dog groomed today. The soonest I could get an appointment with any groomer was on August 20th. Wow! I sure wish there was a Petsmart nearby. I wish I could trim Gypsy's nails by myself but I don't have the proper equipment. Gypsy's nails are the easy kind of nails to trim. White. You can easily see the quick and avoid it. Maybe I'll see if I can find one at Walmart tomorrow when I drive into yet another big city. Doctor appointment. It seems like I'm spending a great deal of time in cities...one way or another.... and driving a car.
Murphyism of the Day
Crane's Law
There ain't no such thing as a free lunch.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
A magician pulls rabbits out of hats. An experimental psychologist pulls habits out of rats.
- Anonymous
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