A Full Moon at The Lake
Word of the Day
Intertwingle - To mingle and intertwine with others.
#1 Son got to The Lake at around 6:30 PM. I cooked up the fish that I'd planned to make the previous night. I was a bit scared that the bass would have that gamey taste that they get when the weather and the water temperature in the lake gets warmer. They didn't. The fish was wonderful! Delicious! I guess it's still safe to catch and eat bass. Most fisherman believe in catch and release when it comes to bass but I really love walleye. Huh? I went to a meeting last summer where a DNR guy was speaking about the different types of fish in the lakes around here. He recommended that if we want to encourage the walleye population in the lake, we need to start decreasing the number of bass in the lake. Bass hatchlings hatch out earlier than walleye hatchlings. Bass hatchlings eat the walleye eggs before they can hatch out. Thus, if you want walleye, you need to stop it with the catch and release. However, talking to a guy in a boat near my dock the other day, I discovered that this bass fisherman and his buddy didn't like the taste of bass. He just likes catching them. They call it sport. Me? Waste not, want not.
On that theme (waste not, want not), I cooked up another batch of crayfish this morning. HTP is going to complain about the smell again but it's better to boil these critters up while I can have the door to our deck open. Yesterday morning when I boiled up the crayfish, I couldn't open the door to the deck because it was already too humid outside. The dew point isn't as high this morning. Maybe the crayfish smell will dissipate better this morning. I gave my Mom some of the catch yesterday. Sis will have to wait until I can get some fresh bait for my traps if she wants some of my crayfish...of course, she does have her own traps but I think the time she found a water snake in one of her traps put her off catching mudbugs for a while. I only got enough crayfish this morning for on pot of boiling water. I'll clean these up after breakfast.
There was a full moon last night. I appreciated this fact when Gypsy headed up the driveway at around 10 PM on our nightly "walk". I don't know why she insists on heading up the hill and into the dark but...she does. Of course, she can see just fine. Me? Not so much. I need a flashlight and I'm not too sure what we may find up the road, in the dark. Bears and coyotes? Armed with a flashlight, the only thing I could do if we encountered either is RUN! My brave Gypsy would probably trip me in an attempt to hide between my legs. She's scared of squirrels....and they know it too. Poor baby. I really should start walking Gypsy on leash at night so she doesn't head off up the hill. However, last night, the moon was so bright, I followed Gypsy up the road a bit...sans flashlight....sans leash. It was weird to be able to see so well and...best of all...for some reason the mosquitoes never found me. It was a really nice night for a walk, perfect...but, in the back of my mind, the persistent thought that there may be bears, coyotes, and even wolves out prowling in the night, drove us back inside.
Murphyism of the Day
Potter's Law
A rumor doesn't gain credence until it's officially denied.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Trying to determine what is going on in the world by reading newspapers is like trying to tell the time by watching the second hand of a clock.
- Ben Hecht (1893 - 1964)
I like that picture. It looks like it should be in one of those inspirational bits of wall art.
And look! You can even make your own.
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