Blueberry Hill - Picture taken in 2007....Blink and you'd swear it was 2008.
Word of the Day
Insufferior - to feel inferior or insufficient.
I picked a little more than a fistful of ripening raspberries from my tame bushes. They're starting. It looks like I'm going to get a plentiful crop for jam making and breakfast munching. The bushes are becoming so dense that it's hard to thrash myself close enough to pick.
My blueberries remain stubbornly green. As for the Juneberries? I've decided to abandon any thought of making Juneberry Wine. The birds are eating the berries faster than I can pick them and the amount that I do pick doesn't measure up to nearly enough to make wine...even if I combine them with blueberries. I might as well just make Blueberry Wine but I never can get enough blueberries from Blueberry Hill to even make a blueberry pie. However, HTP found a place where they have U-Pick blueberries. It does look like I'll be getting more blueberries from my own bushes this year. I've got them covered with netting so maybe I can get to them before the squirrels and birds do.
In the meantime, Sis and I are going to have to pick gooseberries tomorrow and we'll have the added task of picking currants tomorrow as well. They're least mostly. The birds are starting to notice this fact but I think we can wait one more day...I think. We'll making the Gooseberry Wine tomorrow. I'll have to thaw out the gooseberries I've already got frozen. From the looks of things, we'll be able to start our Currant Wine tomorrow too. I just hope that we'll get enough black currants. They seem to be ripening at a slower pace than the red currants.
Murphyism of the Day
Glabraith's Law of Politics
Anyone who says he isn't going to resign, four times, definitely will.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
To find fulfillment...don't exist with life - embrace it.
- Jim Beggs
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