Sis Isn't Drinking the Wine, She's Racking the Wine....Really...
Word of the Day
Irreventive - Regardless of the inventor.
I'm still in my cleaning and organizing mood but I need to put a damper on it for a while...at least for today. Besides, the urgent need to organize and toss things out isn't so great now. The garbage cans are out at the road. 1/2 mile away. I can't throw anything more away until I get those garbage cans back. However, if I can maintain this mood, I'd start on the garage, my closet, and my dresser and bookshelves....but not today.
Today? I need to pick raspberries AND blueberries...if it doesn't rain, and I don't think it will, and I'm not even going to think about the green beans...oops, I guess I just did. Sis and I have to work on the wine today. The first two batches of wine that we started this Spring (Dandelion Wine. Rhubarb Wine.) need to be racked and we need to get the Prickly Gooseberry Wine set to go down to the basement. It'll be nice not to have the Eau di Fermenting Vino Perfum in my living room anymore this summer. After today, all the wine is going to be doing its thing down in my basement and Sis and I won't need to do anything more with it until this time next month.
Murphyism of the Day
Jeff's Theory of the Stock Market
The price of a stock moves inversely to the number of shares purchased.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Remember that there is nothing stable in human affairs; therefore avoid undue elation in prosperity, or undue depression in adversity.
- Socrates (469 BC - 399 BC)
With my limited experience, I'd ask if you were pregnant, but I know better ;)
Ummmm...Froggy...I really think Sis is sippin' the goods.
Proud Ohio Momma
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