"What the Heck are You Doing Now?!"
Word of the Day
Irkutated - Past the point of being both irked and irritated.
And just when Gypsy feels that things are starting to get back to normal, her human, yet again, shows signs of insanity. Fits of insanity. It's not often that I get in the mood to clean and re-organize things. As a matter of fact, this just may be the first time Gypsy has seen me in one of those moods. Yesterday, I cleaned and organized my spice/pantry cabinet...one of them...the other still needs a good going over and toss session. I ended up filling up the kitchen waste basket with all kinds of stuff that would never be used and then I organized everything so I could find stuff. While MC Daughter was here, she was looking for some Cumin. I found it. It's now alphabetically organized so I can find it again. I don't use Cumin that often. I also found out that I didn't have any dried Parsley, I was running low on dried Sweet Basil, and I didn't have any dried Oregano. I have fresh of all three growing on the deck but none of the dry stuff that comes in handy for when you can't get the fresh stuff. So....I harvested some of each, Parsley, Basil, and Oregano, dried it in my microwave, chopped and crushed, and now I have dried Parsley, dried Basil, and dried Oregano. Done.
Then...today, I decided to make some Sugarfree Chocolate Crinkle Cookies. Delicious, but, I'm still working on the recipe....so...I won't share. Then, of course, I had to clean the kitchen because I'm not the cleanest cook in the world and I was still in the mood to clean and reorganize so....
I decided to clean and re-organize my half of the bathroom. Actually, I cleaned the whole bathroom but HTP keeps his stuff really well organized so why bother with his half. I've never been able to figure out why I always end up with twice as much cream rinse as I do shampoo. And I have no idea why I never you up the last dab of shampoo before I buy a new one and a new conditioner/cream rinse too. Why? I only needed shampoo. I ended up throwing away multiple bottles of shampoo with just a dab remaining and combining all my dabs of conditioner into one bottle. And lotions? Anyone need lotion? I've got enough to keep dry skin at bay from an entire Army for a year. OK. I'm exaggerating a bit but...only a bit. And then...where did all the toilet bowl cleaner come from? It looks like I must buy a brand new bottle every Spring when we get here whether we need it or not. We don't need any more... and I'd better make a note to myself not to buy any next Spring. I think I've got a lifetime supply under my sink.
Then...I cleaned and organized my make-up drawer and my medicine drawers. I don't even use nail polish! And I decided that if I haven't used that particular shade of eye shadow in the last five years, it's time to toss it out....along with all those old bits of foundation which I rarely use. And as for medicines? Wow! I'm set for any and all allergy and headache emergencies. A rash of them. Heartburn is taken care of too. I was able to consolidate and toss empty bottles of EVERYTHING! I won't need to visit the pharmacy section of Walmart for years....maybe longer. At least I know what I have now, now that I've organized and things aren't all in a jumble. I took Benedryl off my shopping list.
Next? I washed my hair. Gypsy, sitting off to the side where she thought she'd be safely out of harm's way, thought I'd forgotten about her but...she got a bath too. Then? She followed me around the house as I vacuumed. I think she thought I'd totally lost my mind. Poor dog. She kept "dogging" my heels and, sad to say, she kept getting in the way as I tried to vacuum. Poor dear. She kept looking at me as if to say, "Are you OK? What's going on here? What the heck are you doing? Are you OK?" I swear she kept looking at me like I was just about to sprout horns or something. It's OK Gypsy. I'm done now. But...maybe I'll mop the kitchen now that I've got it all swept and vacuumed. Maybe. Thing is, Sis is going to be coming over tomorrow to help rack the wine. Maybe I'd better put off mopping the kitchen until we're done spilling wine all over the floor. However, it is garbage night. I may tackle the big pantry. I know there's things in there that we won't ever use...just taking up space.
Murphyism of the Day
Heisenberg Principle of Investment
You may know where the market is going, but you can't possibly know where it's going after that.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
It is very strange that the years teach us patience - that the shorter our time, the greater our capacity for waiting.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Gipsy is wonderful.
I have a dog that I call Marvin (there's a band here in Brazil that's named Titãs. one of their most famous songs is "Marvin". so, my dog is Marvin too xD).
I liked your tatoo. is it a frog?
Gypsy is a wonderful dog. She's watches over my sanity on a daily basis...poor dear. It's not an easy task. My tattoo is an original design inspired by a couple of artists. A 50th birthday gift from my children.
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