My Irises are all done - Picture taken on June 26, 2008
Word of the Day
IMbiguity - Ambiguity caused by the nature of instant messaging and its lack of tone, context, or other visual expressions.
Woodtick Count - 29
They're Here! MC Daughter and D Buddy got here around supper time last night. Unfortunately, HTP and I had already eaten our supper. However, fortunately, I was able to quickly throw a couple burgers on the grill, slice a couple of onions and MC Daughter and D Buddy had hamburgers for supper. No cheese. I forgot the cheese. Sorry guys.
Yesterday was one of those perfect days here at The Lake. It wasn't too cold and it wasn't too warm. Up on the deck, there were no flies, no mosquitoes, no wasps. The sun was shining more than it wasn't. I went down to the dock and caught four fish...off the dock. I hiked with Gypsy up to the main road and back and only got rained on a little bit. Sun shower. No deerfly...yet. Perfect day. Today? It's a bit cool and the skies are overcast. I expect the clouds will burn off by this afternoon. If we get any rain....maybe late this afternoon, according to the forecasts. The forecasts really haven't been all that accurate this summer.
Gypsy had her first encounter with a cat yesterday. At least, this was her first encounter with a cat since her birth home. I know that the people who I bought Gypsy from had at least one cat so I expect Gypsy knew what she was looking at. They also had a Great Dane...but that's beside the point. MC Daughter and D Buddy have two cats. Gypsy was willing to be friends but Todd got all puffed up and bothered which threw Gypsy into a weirded out mode. She actually let out a few scared little barks. It was hilarious to see the reactions of both animals. Todd and Gypsy. Actually, the cats will probably be staying downstairs in our finished basement where we have our guest rooms. I doubt that they'll venture upstairs into Gypsy territory. Likewise, Gypsy never goes downstairs. Chances are we won't have any more Cat/Dog encounters. I wish I'd taken a picture though...another failed Kodak moment.
Murphyism of the Day
Nowian's Law
Following the path of least resistance is what makes politicians and rivers crooked.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
We read frequently if unknowingly, in quest of a mind more original than our own.
- Harold Bloom
T has a cat named Todd, too? *confused*
oops! Not Todd....Trifoles (sp?) The three-legged cat.
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