The Lake - 2007
Word of the Day
Humography - A funny story that is only funny to those who were there. If told anywhere else, or at a different time, it becomes dull.
It's not really raining outside. Not really. Just a typical Oregon-style mizzle. Of course, Gypsy categorized it as rain but she doesn't like it when wet stuff comes out of the sky. She sat under the front door overhang where the steps are dry and looked out at my as I called her to join me on our morning walk. It was only with great reluctance that she finally joined me for our morning perimeter walk. It wasn't really raining. The ground was wet but if I'd felt like going fishing, this fine mizzle wouldn't have stopped me.
Grey. Dreary. Just a light mizzle. It's hard to believe that it's June. The temperature outside yesterday never even got up to 70°F. Maybe we might get up into the 70's later this weekend. Maybe. The summer that never was? I do remember one summer when I brought the kids to The Lake for a couple of weeks. Summer. 4th of July. The weather was so cold that my Mom had to dig out old winter coats and sweatshirts for the kids...and me. It never occurred to me to pack for winter weather in the middle of July. I'm not sure what year it was. It was before all this global warming hysteria which has now morphed into global climate change because there aren't too many of us that believe that the colder than average temperatures outside this year are an indication of global warming. I'm not biting on the global climate change thing either. Probably because I do remember colder than average summers, warmer than average summers, winters with more snow, winters with very little snow, summer nights spent in the basement because tornadoes were spotted...lots of tornadoes some years, very few during some other seasons. Big storms, little storms, lots of rain, very little rain. My memory isn't all that short to buy the global warming/global climate change hysteria. Weather happens. It changes. I don't think holding our collective breath is going to change things one way or another.
Murphyism of the Day
France's Rule of Folly
If a million people believe a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.
- Sir Winston Churchill (1874 - 1965)
1 comment:
If we all held our breath then there would be a massive reduction in CO2 levels and vast amounts of plant life would die.
We're damned if we do and we're damned if we don't, I say.
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