The Eagles Have Landed
Word of the Day
Hozone - The place where one sock in every laundry load disappears to.
Woodtick Count - 14
June Has Arrived With a Bang!
I have my rituals each morning. One of these rituals is to gaze out over the lake from our master bedroom windows before I quietly tiptoe (so as not to wake up HTP) out of the room to get Gypsy up for our morning walk and heat up a cup of re-fried coffee from yesterday's pot. So, I got dressed, put on my shoes and gazed outside and.... Two bald eagles! The huge and magnificent, fully mature bald eagles were standing in my yard. It looked like they'd just flown down and were chatting with each other. *Blink* This was something to wake HTP up for so he could see. He wakes up and sends me for the camera but....of course...as is normal for such things, the bald eagles both flew off as I raced to find the camera. It wouldn't matter if Nessie herself was sitting fishing off my dock or E.T. decided to come knock on our window, I would not be able to record the event. Oh well...at least I've got a witness.
So then...Do you remember the old Monty Python skit about the parrot? "It's just stunned..." HTP followed me into the kitchen and BANG! Big caps BANG! This really big bird hit one of the windows on the deck....really hard. I was waiting to see if I'd be getting a shower of glass to go with my morning coffee. I was seriously ducking my head, waiting for broken glass to rain down on my head and shoulders. A fleeting thankful thought raced through my head that I was wearing shoes. Thank goodness for really strong dual pane windows. I looked outside at the twitching remains of a partridge. HTP at my side says, "It's just stunned." I'm looking at it and I say, "I think it broke its neck." I think it broke its neck. Its dead body is still laying out on my deck. It's not even twitching anymore. I'm doubtful it's even "Pinin' for the fjords." "'E's not pinin'! 'E's passed on! This parrot is no more! He has ceased to be! 'E's expired and gone to meet 'is maker! 'E's a stiff! Bereft of life, 'e rests in peace! If you hadn't nailed 'im to the perch 'e'd be pushing up the daisies! 'Is metabolic processes are now 'istory! 'E's off the twig! 'E's kicked the bucket, 'e's shuffled off 'is mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin' choir invisibile!!He's f**kin' snuffed it!..... THIS IS AN EX-PARROT!" Only I'm thinkin', we're talking about a she-bird and a partridge...not a parrot. I suppose it's rather horrible of me to feel a bit of a twinge about wasting good food but....Squab anyone? Not to worry...I'm going to let HTP remove the "stunned" bird...after breakfast.
And then, I finally took Gypsy out for her morning walk. She did her normal exploratory of the yard and nosed her way through the buffer area near the dock and then...she discovered it. The exact spot where the bald eagles had left her a pile of fish scales. Hesitantly she approached and sniffed and sniffed and leaped back and then sniffed some more. Fearing that she'd decide to get stinky by rolling in the area, I called her away from the area. There is no way that I want to have to give Gypsy another bath...not today. Anyway, she followed me up Blueberry Hill but turned at the top of the stairs and gazed down at the backyard. Gypsy was totally weirded out and disturbed. She was so totally disturbed that...Gypsy barked! She barked and then she bayed...and then she turned tail and ran full tilt for safety. Waiting for me to let her back inside at the front door of the house. Such a brave little dog! I did not laugh....much.
#1 Son, HTP, and me are going to drive into The Big City tomorrow morning...(leaving at 02:00...that's AM). #1 Son is scheduled for surgery tomorrow and needs to be at the hospital in The Big City by 05:30...AM. They plan to keep #1 Son for at least over night at the hospital after his surgery. HTP and I will be staying over at a hotel so we can bring him back home after he's released. He'll be getting a week or so of Mom's tender-loving care recovery time before I release him back to his apartment.
Blogging? Don't worry if you don't see a blog entry for Monday...maybe even Tuesday. Chances are there won't be an opportunity to find time for blogging until we get back to The Lake. As long as we're in The Big City, HTP and I will be spending whatever time we aren't spending at the hospital with #1 Son, with HTP's folks, MC Daughter and D Buddy, and maybe...maybe we'll go see a movie.
Murphyism of the Day
Robbins's Mini-Max Rule of Government
Any minimum criteria set will be the maximum value used.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
If all the year were playing holidays; To sport would be as tedious as to work.
William Shakespeare (1564 - 1616)
1 comment:
So when is MC Daughter going to end up having to have surgery and then have a week of aftercare up at the lake? It's happened to two of your three kids, now.
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