Dwarf Lilacs - June 2008

Say Goodbye to the Tulips - June 2008

June Wildflowers - 2008
Word of the Day
Idiology - Political dogma espoused by anyone whose intellectual credentials are derived solely from his experience in professional sports or the entertainment industry.
Woodtick Count - 22
I'm doing laundry today. #1 Son came home last night at around supper to spend the weekend. Maybe he'll help me with the cake that I plan to bake later on today. I'm going to hold off on making the potato salad and maybe even the cutting up the cabbage for Cole slaw until tonight. I just don't have the room in my fridge for a big bowl of potato salad. At least, I don't think I have any more room but somehow, if I do my Tetris thing, I'll probably find enough room by tonight. The bratwurst buns don't really need to be stored in the fridge...at least not after tonight. They'll be just fine sitting out on the counter for just one night. We'll either be eating them all up on Sunday or I'll be sending them home with #1 Son when he returns to The Big City.
The wildflowers are blooming. Daisies. Wild geraniums. Columbine. Wild mustard...I think. I took pictures of them when Gypsy and I took one of our hikes earlier in the week. We've been taking daily hikes when weather permits.
My tulips are all done. The individual support that I gave them extended their blooming life but since the blooms are done I've removed the supports and trimmed off the dead heads. I've set out the supports that I'd been using on the tulips and additional supports for my iris so they don't get beaten down buy the rains when they start blooming. This last rain already mashed one of the iris stems down to the ground but I think the support that I put in may have remedied it. I also set out supports for the larger buds of my peonies. I have them surrounded by peony rings but still....when peonies start to bloom they have huge and heavy flower heads. One good rain and they bend down and choke themselves. I'm pleased to see that the red peony that I bought has come up this year. I don't expect to have it actually blossom this year, even though it has a blossom bud. It takes a couple years for new peonies to establish themselves enough to blossom. While I'm waiting for the iris and the peonies to bloom, I'm enjoying the dwarf lilacs which have burst into full bloom and are perfuming the area.
Murphyism of the Day
Ameringer's Axiom
Politics is the gentle art of getting votes from the poor and campaign funds from the rich by promising to protect each from the other.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
No one forgives with more grace and love than a child.
- Real Live Preacher
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