Gypsy Looking Reproachful - June 2008 (And it wasn't even raining.)
Word of the Day
ID10T - Describes a computer "error," which is really user incompetence. Commonly used in computer circles.
I bought groceries yesterday. I needed to buy some food for Father's Day but now I hear that I won't be having quite so many people here to eat the food as I thought. Oh well...it'll get eaten. #1 Son will be coming and I can always send food home with him. And there's always a bit of space in the freezer...right?
I made dog food this morning. Pork Stew. Sis tells me that I'm spoiling Gypsy. "Let her be a dog!", she said this morning. I think it was the fact that the recipe for Pork Stew called for Yukon Gold potatoes that got to my sister. I didn't tell her about the recipe for Lamb Stew that is in that same cookbook. No, I did not use Yukon Gold potatoes in Gypsy's Pork Stew. Nor am I tempted to make the Lamb Stew. However, I did use pork. And I did chop up a whole head of cabbage that was called for in the recipe. And I did cook up some real brown rice for the recipe. Egg noodles. REGULAR potatoes....Sorry Gypsy, no Yukon Gold potatoes for you. Canned tomatoes. Homemade chicken stock. Oh...and two acorn squash. Actually, this looks like a recipe that would have been better for the fall but I had the pork and didn't want to buy more chicken or beef. Squash are not in season right now and I hesitate to buy out-of- season produce but...the squash weren't expensive. Cheaper than a packet of seeds to grow my own and I got to cook up the seeds for a snack. I imagine I could have used another type of squash. Winter squash is winter squash. Oh...I forgot. I had to chop of two apples for the stew. I didn't peel them. See? I don't totally spoil my dog. However, I did core the apples. Seeds? I eat the seeds but what would they do to a small dog? Oh well, I don't think Gypsy cares if she's eating an unpeeled apple or not. We'll see. Maybe she'll pick those bits out. I ended up with 12 - 2 cup packages of Pork Stew which I was amazed to find room for in my freezer. I don't have a huge freezer. Anyway, I won't have to make any more dog food for at least a month. Unless...well...the gal that wrote the recipe book tells me that the stews in her cookbook can be eaten by people too. You just need to add a bit of seasoning and you've got people food.
We got rain last night. Lots of rain but not too much rain. 2 inches. It's still raining right now but I classify what's coming out of the sky as an Oregon-style rain. Drippy. Misty. Not enough wet to bother with an umbrella. I went down to bilge the boat. I'll have to finish up on that project later when Gypsy and I take our next perimeter walk. She's not fond of the rain but she's getting better about it. At least she followed me down to the dock this morning...eventually...after she realized that I wasn't going to let her back inside until after I'd finished up with my perimeter walk. Gypsy can look at you with eyes loaded with reproach. Poor baby. She's not fond of wet hair and feet.
Murphyism of the Day
L.B.J.'s Law
If two people agree on everything, you may be sure that one of them is doing the thinking.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their own minds.
- Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882 - 1945)
She looks like she's peeing...
Oh, and TAG! You're it.
She's NOT peeing. LOL. Tag? Who would I tag? I may have to skip that part of the directions.
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