Gypsy on Blueberry Hill - June 2008
Word of the Day
Ignorement - The act or process of ignoring.
Woodtick Count - 25
I've got lots to do today. Laundry. Washing my hair. Finish packing. Pack up all of Gypsy's stuff and bring her over to my folks' place. Water the gardens....
I'm leaving....on a jet plane. New York, New York. The real New York City, not the Vegas New York. OooRah Mom Reunion 2008. I missed the OooRah Mom Reunion 2007 which was in Washington D.C. but there's no way I'm missing this one. I've got two suitcases already almost packed. Yes. I CAN bring two suitcases. My reservations were made BEFORE all the "Pay if you want to change your underwear" restrictions. Taking no chances with over-weight baggage, I decided to bring two suitcases. I may not need them on the way home but I need them now. I'm bringing lots of stuff that won't be coming back home with me but...one word...SHOPPING. However, if I have to bring home an empty suitcase...so be it.
Blogging? Chances are that I won't be taking the time to blog while I'm in New York. I'm not bringing a laptop. One of my fellow Marine Moms is bringing her laptop and our hostess Marine Mom from New York tells us that we can use her computer but I'm not going to New York to spend time in front of a computer. I'll keep a journal...the old-fashioned way. Notebook and pencil. I'll blog when I get back to The Lake. I'm leaving at 1 AM on Thursday morning which...in my book of definitions...qualifies as tonight. I won't get back here to The Lake until June 24th...but then I've got to unpack and blogging may have to wait until the 25th. I'll try to catch you up on all the OooRah Mom Reunion 2008 activities at that time. I plan to take LOTS of pictures and extra "film"...memory sticks.
Murphyism of the Day
Lovka's First Political Principle
There is no sincerity like a politician telling a lie.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
The need for change bulldozed a road down the center of my mind.
Maya Angelou (1928 - )
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