A View From Our Dock
Word of the Day
Iconoblaster - One who iconoblasts on a frequent basis. (See yesterday's Word of the Day for the definition of Iconoblast)
Woodtick Count - 22
The huge jump in the woodtick count can be attributed to the hike Sis and I took to the fresh water spring. Cause and effect..so to speak. We picked a goodly amount of watercress which we divided into separate bags for Sis, Me, and Mom. Sis tells me that her hubby isn't fond of watercress. I'm not sure how fond my Dad is of watercress. I KNOW that HTP isn't fond of the stuff. However, I happen to love it. There's nothing quite like a fresh watercress salad made with a mild vinaigrette dressing along with some finely chopped winter onion. I enjoyed my first such salad of the year last night. Even with a bit of tomato...despite the latest Salmonella outbreak that they've been warning about on the news. I'm beginning to think that we'd all be better off if we'd grow our own produce, pick wild or stick to buying seasonally from local farmers. Last summer we had the E. coli that had grocers pulling bags of spinach off the shelf. I remember a similar scare caused by some bad green onion imported from Mexico. Oh well...I've got my garden planted though I'm still buying produce at the grocery store. I love tomatoes and my own won't be starting to come for a long time. Even then I won't have enough to can for the winter. I'll have to visit my local farmer for canning tomatoes.
Sis and I fertilized the wild blueberries. She dug up a few of the wild plants to transplant near her house. We're not sure if this will work out or not but I guess it doesn't cost anything more than time and effort to give it a chance. We noted that the wild blueberry bushes near the fresh spring are looking quite healthy and loaded with tiny green berries. For some reason or another, Sis and I have never taken the time to hike back down to that area when the berries come ripe. July? Maybe this summer.
HTP and I went fishing last night. The weather was perfect. The lake was as still as glass. Unfortunately, we didn't catch all that much. The mosquitoes were biting but the fish were reluctant. However, I did catch three nice crappie and a nice perch. HTP caught a bass but...it was too small. Size limits can be rather frustrating. I've often noticed that we only tend to catch fish that fall 1/4-1/2 inch short of the size limit for that type of fish. I'm sure this is yet another example of Murphy's Law. Regardless, I cleaned up enough fish last night to fry up a meal for HTP and me for tonight or tomorrow.
I started a double batch of Rhubarb Wine. Sis, regretfully, couldn't be here to help me with this first step of our rhubarb wine-making endeavor due to all the construction activity going on at her house. She's having an addition to her addition put in and her brand-new garage is almost done. When they were using their house here at The Lake as a weekend retreat, a cabin, there was no need for a garage or more room. When Sis and her husband decided that they were going to retire and use their "cabin" as a main residence, more space and a garage became a must. Our Dad (T-Square) came to the rescue and drew up plans. The addition (the first one) was completed last summer. It looks great! But...Sis decided that they really could use just a smidgen more room. She entertains. So, T-Square drew up an additional addition and work is underway. Actually....T-Square and Mom are having an addition put onto their lake home as well. T-Square has been keeping really busy with all the new additions that he's had to draw up for The Lake this summer. The west shore of The Lake is a hive of building activity this summer. Things are lots quieter here on our north end of The Lake...at least...now that the five oak trees have all been removed.
HTP and I need to go shopping in the big city today. Grocery shopping. I'm hosting the Father's Day celebration on Sunday and I need supplies. I've got my menu all planned. I just need to get the ingredients. I also note that the Chicken Stew that I made for Gypsy is down to eight more servings. Time to make more dog food for Gypsy. I'm going to try a pork stew this time.
Murphyism of the Day
Armey's Axiom
You can't get ahead while getting even.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
The only thing that overcomes hard luck is hard work.
- Harry Golden (1902 - 1981)
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