Gypsy Doesn't Seem Interested in Real Chipmunks...yet
Word of the Day
Housewifier - 1. To become more of a housewife than previously; to act more on one's housewife instincts than others. 2. Having a strong impulse to clean, wash, or fold laundry, more so now than before.
Woodtick Count - 14
My lettuce seeds have sprouted! The green onion sets have sprouted! Two of my zucchini seeds have sprouted! Only two. In one of my Earthboxes. They should have ALL sprouted by now! I stuck in a few more seeds. All my other plants are doing just fine but it's too soon to expect to see the other sprouts breaking the surface of the planting beds. It's been too cool. However, if I don't start seeing some action by the middle of next week? Oh...I just took another look in my dog kennel garden and I'm starting to see the first green sprouts of the sugar snap peas. Just two tiny green specks's a start.
It's really quiet this morning. I'm a bit surprised. The sun is shining. It's a weekend. HTP has been warning that the poor economy and high gas prices may keep the weekenders away this least off the lake. We had weekenders last weekend but last weekend was a holiday weekend. It's early. Not even 8 AM as I write this. My first pot of coffee is still brewing. Even HTP and #1 Son are still asleep. We'll just have to see what happens this afternoon when the world wakes up a bit.
I gave Gypsy a bath yesterday and treated her with the Frontline. She's good to go for another month. I think today might be spent doing laundry. #1 Son is home for the weekend.
Murphyism of the Day
First Law of Politics
Stay in with the outs.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
A self that is only differentiated - not integrated - may attain great individual accomplishments, but risks being mired in self-centered egotism. By the same token, a person whose self is based exclusively on integration will be well connected and secure, but lack autonomous individuality. Only when a person invests equal amounts of psychic energy in these two processes and avoids both selfishness and conformity is the self likely to reflect complexity.
- Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
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