Sidekick Memories
Word of the Day
Hippocritamus - 1. One who performs great acts of hypocrisy. 2. A big, fat hypocrite.
My garden is tilled. My spots of color for the deck planters are all planted and flowering away. My four Earthboxes are planted. I'm still waiting for two more Earthboxes that should be arriving sometime this week. Actually, I did too much yesterday. Sis and I went to the nursery to pick out plants and the best that I can say is that I bought half as much as Sis. I was kind of proud of myself at how much self-control I was exhibiting. Really, Sis didn't buy all that much either. It took me all day to plant as much as I did buy. Oh, my aching back and knees! I ended up planting eight container garden pots with hot pepper plants, parsley, cilantro, oregano, and the left-over bits of my geraniums that Sis wintered-over in her basement for me. I still need to plant my raised bed gardens but that will have to wait for another day.
Today is not only laundry day but today is the day that HTP and I are going to attempt hauling and stacking all the oak logs that That Tree Guy made for us out of our five oak trees. We discussed renting a trailer but we're going to try using the Sidekick first. We can always rent a trailer later if the Sidekick doesn't work for hauling logs. We think it will, we think it will. The Little Engine that Could. We'll see. As for the debris field...I'm thinking that this weekend might be a great weekend for a fire in the firepit. I may even see if we have any hot dogs and marshmallows.
Update! The Sidekick worked like a trojan. HTP and I worked like Mr. and Mrs. Hercules. Exhaustion! However, all the logs have been moved and stacked up by the logging road where they can dry out and where there is a nice flat area where we can use a log splitter...next year. Actually, there are still five logs down by the shore that That Tree Guy is going to have to cut up into smaller pieces. There is no way that those logs would EVER fit into our fireplace or pit, much less could Mr. and Mrs. Hercules fit them into the Sidekick. We haven't paid That Tree Guy. If he wants his check he'll have to bring his chainsaw and cut up a couple more logs.
Murphyism of the Day
Oak's Principles of Lawmaking
1. Law expands in proportion to the resources available for its enforcement.
2. Bad law is more likely to be supplemented than repealed.
3. Social legislation cannot repeal physical laws.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
If the people who make the decisions are the people who will also bear the consequences of those decisions, perhaps better decisions will result.
- John Abrams
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