The Squirrels are Back and Gypsy Hasn't Seen Them Yet
Word of the Day
Horracious - Describing something so incredibly bad that one cannot even think of a word to describe it.
Woodtick Count - 14
The woodtick count may go up today. Sis and I are going to hike to where the fresh water spring (swampy area) to see if we can pick any watercress. Things are coming up slow this year so I'm not sure if the watercress will have had a chance to get big enough for picking...or recognizing. I'm not even sure how far we'll be able to hike in today. The swampy areas seem to be more liquidy than usual this year. There was a lot of snow last winter and we're seeing a lot of standing water. Lots of mosquitoes hatching out too. Time to dig out the mosquito spray.
I overslept this morning. HTP woke me up talking about the Jay Leno show last night. Something about Hannah Montana and Dick Cheney and how seven year old children seem to be getting smarter. Anyway, I overslept until 7 AM when he woke me with that observation. Gypsy must have overslept too because she's usually quite reliable when it comes to telling me that she wants to go outside at 6 AM.
We're having the windshield replaced on one of our cars. (Right now. There's a guy working on it as I write this.) Actually, though the paperwork states that the car is still ours and we're paying for the insurance and we plan to change the paperwork and insurance sometime this summer, the car "belongs" to #1 Son. He's been driving it around with this long crack bisecting the entire windshield. Since he's using our Gator this week, we decided to take the time to get the windshield fixed as well as take care of some normal car maintenance. However, having to replace the space-saver spare tire came as a bit of a surprise. Sometime...who knows when...the space-saver spare tire (Firestone) in the trunk..."exploded". Weird! I guess we're not the only ones to encounter such a problem but finding the spare looking like that was a bit of a surprise. Total tread separation. It's a good thing that #1 Son didn't find himself at the side of the road with a flat tire. HTP was able to find a spare...spare...and this time we went with a Goodyear. No point in chancing things with another Firestone.
I've got all the supplies I need to start making the Dandelion Wine. Sis and I get things brewing after our hike.
Murphyism of the Day
The Fifth Rule of Politics
When a politician gets an idea, he usually gets it wrong.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
It's not having what you want
It's wanting what you've got.
- Sheryl Crow
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