Spring Blooms - 2008
Word of the Day
Hobophobic - To be deathly afraid of hobos and/or homeless persons.
Woodtick Count - 12
#1 Son got to The Lake at around 6 PM. He'd stopped to pick up Italian sausage at Louie's so I made spaghetti for supper. HTP and #1 Son used some of my homemade croutons on their salads. Me? I don't eat croutons on my salad. Mine are delicious but I prefer snacking on them as a mid-day treat.
I did go fishing....after I spread 12 bags of bark mulch on my garden and found out that I need to buy some more. I caught two bass off the dock but had to throw them back because they were too small. After that I decided to pack it in because nothing was biting on waxies and I didn't want to waste my leeches on under-sized bass. Besides, it was really windy on the dock and fishing isn't all that fun when it's that windy on the lake.
Plans for the day include helping #1 Son do his laundry. LOTS of laundry. I'm going to boil some ribs and then marinade them overnight in a special rub before baking and grilling them tomorrow night's special dinner. I'm also going to make some cole slaw...and maybe some potato salad. We'll see. Tomorrow is #1 Son's birthday. And it's my folk's anniversary. I will be baking cake today. I'll hold off decorating it until tomorrow.
We got a bit of rain last night. There was some lightening and thunder...nothing much to comment about but the rain was nice. My gardens needed it. I'm hoping for more rain tonight....or even sooner. It's overcast outside right now.
OOOHHH Coool!!!!! MC Daughter and D Buddy just called! They're coming up to The Lake too. Woohoo! Full House!!!!! This calls for a trip to the city to buy groceries.
Murphyism of the Day
The Rule of Law
If the facts are against you, argue the law.
If the law is against you, argue the facts.
If the facts and the law are against you, yell like hell.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
The brain is a wonderful organ. It starts working the moment you get up in the morning and does not stop until you get into the office.
- Robert Frost (1874 - 1963)
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