Sis and Me With Our 2007 Vintage Wine
Word of the Day
Hobophobic - To be deathly afraid of hobos and/or homeless persons.
Woodtick Count - 14
I actually thought I might have to add another woodtick to The Woodtick Count this morning but...it was just a tiny scab. Sometimes, tiny scabs turn out to be woodticks but this one wasn't. I checked. No legs.
I'm not sure why I'm tired today. The most physical thing that I did yesterday was pick and clean 8-ounces of dandelion blossoms. 8-ounces AFTER cleaning. That's a huge bucket of the things. Actually, half of a pound sounds like more than 8-ounces. I cleaned half of a pound of dandelion blossoms. Added to the half of a pound of dandelion blossoms that I cleaned yesterday....I've cleaned a whole pound of dandelion blossoms.
Gypsy doesn't question my odd behaviors anymore but she does get rather curious. As I busily plucked blossoms yesterday, she kept sticking her nose in the way, trying to figure out what was so special about the yellow blossoms and why her human was collecting them. She hasn't figured out why I spent so much time spreading bark mulch on the flower beds. She even grabbed a piece for a taste. Ate it. Ewwwww!!!!! And then she dug out a couple of winter onions that I'd planted back as I thinned my winter onion batch. I had to grab them from her and re-set them in the ground. I already told you of the parsley incident. I think I prefer parsley breath to onion breath.
I need to finish up spreading bark mulch today....maybe tomorrow. I really should work on splitting and transplanting some of my hosta, my faux indigo, my dwarf iris, and my dwarf daylilies before top dressing everything with the last of the bark mulch. I foresee a day of digging through rocks as I find homes for all the transplants. Lots of rocks. Oh well...once it's done, it's done and I'll be able to enjoy my flower gardens for the rest of the summer without feeling guilty about over-crowding issues.
As for the dandelions....? My sister and I will start a batch of dandelion wine later this week. After she adds in her 8-ounces of dandelion blossoms, we'll have a full two pounds to make our Dandelion Wine. That's even more than last year. We'll have to make a run into the city to buy supplies. I cracked open a bottle of last year's Dandelion Wine. Wonderful! It still has a faint walnuty taste. Definitely a dessert wine.
Murphyism of the Day
Walton's Law of Politics
A fool and his money are soon elected.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Follow the grain in your own wood.
- Howard Thurman
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