The Lake - Spring 2008
Word of the Day
Hangle - Any cluster of tangled coat hangers.
Woodtick Count - 2
I've added a woodtick count for the summer while we're at The Lake. I'm only counting the woodticks that appear on my person...not HTP or any others living or visiting. The woodticks count even if I catch them before they decide to dig in and start to consume liquid nourishment. Knock on wood....that count would be zero right now. I hope. Some of the woodticks up here are pretty tiny. My sister had to dig out a magnifying glass to see the legs on the one that she found on her neck. Scabs don't have legs.
I worked in the garden yesterday clearing out the old vegetation so the new spring shoots would have a clear path to the surface. I also fertilized the blueberries. The hardest task was digging three holes in the ground for the rhubarb. Dividing the plants wasn't any trouble at all. Digging holes is a major trouble. Rocks. We've got lots of rocks and boulders here...even in the flower beds. It's not easy digging through solid rock. Since plants can't grow through solid rock, the rocks need to be removed. I added lots of rocks to my garden borders yesterday. Three holes...lots of rocks. Very little actual soil. I must say that digging three holes doesn't sound daunting but digging out and removing the rocks in those three holes starts to border on a Herculean task. However, I can now check that Herculean task off my list of thing to do.
On my To Do list for today? HTP is going to mix up a batch of weedkiller and we're going to spray the weeds that have come up so far this spring. I also need to remove the leaves from some of the other flower beds and Blueberry Hill. That may be a bit much for one day. I may have to work on some of this next week.
Friday is already booked. HTP and I will be driving to The Big City on Friday. We're going to see his folks but then #1 Son is graduating from college on Friday. Kodak moment. We'll take lots of pictures. Not many people that care will be able to actually see #1 Son graduate so we'll have to take lots of pictures to show everyone. Poor #1 Son is practically pulling out his hair trying to get everything done in these last days of his Senior year. I remember those nightmare days. You survive on nerves and coffee.
Murphyism of the Day
Law of the Lie
No matter how often a lie is shown to be false, there will remain a percentage of people who believe it true.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Don't be sweet, lest you be eaten up; don't be bitter, lest you be spewed out.
-Jewish Proverb
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