Gypsy at The Lake - May 5, 2008
Word of the Day
Hallucidate - 1. To elucidate by means of a hallucination. 2. To have a hallucination that clears up something or illuminates the meaning of life, the universe and everything.
Oh, my aching feet! Sis and I went on a marathon shopping trip....only stopping for a light lunch at Adventures. I'm exhausted. Before lunch we bench pressed 40# sacks of top soil. Sis got six of the sacks and I got four. It didn't matter. We still ended up bench pressing 40# sacks several times...not just ten times. You have to lift the dang things into your shopping cart and then you have to lift them out of the cart and load them into your car and then you have to lift them again to take them out of the car. I swear those sacks of top soil weighed LOTS more than 40#. They were wet...so I think you need to add on the weight of the water they'd soaked up while sitting in the parking lot at Walmart. Anyway, after bench pressing the 40# sacks of top soil a couple times we decided that we really didn't need to buy a membership to some posh health spa. Lunch? We walked into Adventures looking like we'd just plowed the north 40. Mud splattered down the front of our once pristine shirts. Broken nails. We stopped to scrap off a layer of filth in the restroom before letting the hostess lead us to our seats.
After lunch, we continued our marathon. Aldi's for a list of things for my Mom, Farm and Fleet because I needed some bird seed and those sugarless Dove candies and bags of smoked almonds jumped into my cart and I had to buy them. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Next...and last stop...The Marketplace. I had a long list of things that HTP and I needed that we didn't buy on Saturday because I couldn't know that we needed them until I'd done an inventory of our pantry and freezer. We also needed to get some things for a Mother's Day buffet. Sis and I decided that a Mother's Day buffet at her place would beat out any Mother's Day buffet at any of the local restaurants...plus...we wouldn't have to get all dressed up....plus...we could provide a nice spread for half the cost. Call me cheap but I hate to spend loads of money for something Sis and I could have cooked up with better flavors. Sis is a great cook/chef. Me? I'm just a cook but I make a mean mimosa. Best ever.
So...we unloaded all my Mom's groceries at their place. Then we unloaded all Sis' groceries at her place and bench pressed six 40# sacks of top soil. Sis gave me some venison sausage, brats, and jimmies from the venison that they got last hunting season and then I drove on home to unload my groceries and bench press four 40# sacks of top soil, a 25# bag of bird seed, and a 40# sack of dog food.
Gypsy now had two brand new dog beds which will stay here at The Lake. She's sitting in one of them right now...under my computer desk as I blog.
I disposed of my first woodtick. It hadn't managed to dig in as yet. It was just crawling on my hand. I flushed it. It's been kind of cool outside so I haven't been all that careful. I'll have to check every night from now on for a while. Spring is prime woodtick time.
Murphyism of the Day
Lubarsky's Law of Cybernetic Enomology
There's always one more bug.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Howard Hughes was able to afford the luxury of madness, like a man who not only thinks he is Napoleon but hires an army to prove it.
- Ted Morgan
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