Five Oak Trees Given a Stay of Execution
Word of the Day
Hicci - A hiccup; the genitive singular form of hiccup; expressing a possessive relationship to a hiccup.
I'm feeling a bit cranky. Gypsy woke me up at 5 AM because....actually, I think she was hungry but I only threw on a coat and took her outside. She did her think...number one...and I put her back in her kennel, much to her indignation. I refuse to get up and get dressed and make coffee at 5 AM. I did get up at 6:30 AM...and did all that stuff. I also, before even making coffee, took Gypsy for a long walk. I heard geese honking in the bay and I thought Gypsy may take notice and get excited. *sigh* She didn't notice. She doesn't notice the chipmunks and the squirrels yet either. Instead, she spends a great deal of time with her nose to the ground or racing circles around the yard. Gypsy sure can move when she wants but the wildlife has no worries as yet.
My crankiness isn't just because my puppy dog woke me up so early. I'm also cranky because That Tree Guy didn't show up yesterday. The picture that I posted yesterday looks pretty much the same as it did yesterday. Of course, I took that picture last summer. The leaves aren't on the trees. Although the dock has been rolled out into the lake, there are no dock boards and we can't put the boat in until That Tree Guy comes and removes the trees. I want to go sit on my dock! Grrrrr!!!!
I lifted and carried four #40 pound sacks of topsoil to my back deck yesterday. I've got four of my Earthboxes all set up and ready to plant....almost. I need to buy some vermiculite and perlite to mix into the topsoil. I noted that the directions for setting up the Earthboxes call for potting mix, not topsoil. I haven't been able to find any potting mix without fertilizer. If I can't find it, I'll have to make my own. I ordered two more Earthboxes yesterday morning...after I blogged. Tricked out Earthboxes with trellises and wheels. Actually, two of the Earthboxes I set up yesterday...which I'd ordered last fall...have wheels. I love the wheels (coasters). I wish my two original Earthboxes had wheels but HTP told me that he would figure out how to at least provide feet for the old Earthboxes so tey wouldn't sit directly on the wood deck. Anyway, I'll have six Earthboxes in my deck garden this summer. Last summer I only had two.
I've been considering what to plant in my Earthboxes. I'm thinking zucchini, Italian peppers, eggplant, and tomatoes in the two Earthboxes that haven't arrived yet. I'll plant green beans, cucumbers, lettuce, set onions, and more tomatoes in my fenced garden. I'm also thinking of planting some pots of herbs to have on the deck. Parsley, basil, oregano, and cilantro. We'll see. Sis and I are going to the nursery to pick up plants on Monday. Nursery run. I need to pick up seeds, seedlings, and one never knows what will tweak the interest when one walks through the doors of a nursery.
The window cleaners will be coming in an hour or so. Woohoo! Clean windows! At least, I hope they're more reliable than That Tree Guy.
Murphyism of the Day
Rule of Political Promises
Truth varies.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Experience suggests it doesn't matter so much how you got here, as what you do after you arrive.
- Lois McMaster Bujold
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