The Hepaticas are Blooming - Spring 2008
Word of the Day*
Hamgaburs - Sandwiches made with a patty of ground meat usually on a roll or bun prepared for connoisseurs no greater than the age of 4.
While Sis and I were in the city for our marathon shopping trip, HTP cleared all the leaves out of my front flower gardens. I can see that he took a lot of my violas with him and decapitated my dwarf daffodil but the violas will recover and the leaves had to go. I may tackle the side flower gardens and the tame raspberry bed today. I also need to fertilize the blueberries on Blueberry Hill. Actually, Sis and I need to hike down and fertilize the wild blueberry bushes near the watercress bed but...not today. I also want to divide my rhubarb plants and start another couple of beds. I didn't get nearly enough rhubarb last summer for rhubarb pie, rhubarb cake, and rhubarb jam. There wasn't too much rhubarb left over after making our rhubarb wine...even when my sister added in the rhubarb from her beds. Besides, my rhubarb really does need to be divided. It's getting crowded in the bed where I've got it by the swing set. I'm pretty sure that I can create at least two more beds.
It sounds like my folks and Sis are both planning building projects for this summer. Sis is having a garage put in at her place since she and her hubby are moving up to The Lake on a permanent basis (except for a three month hiatus during the winter for travel). My folks plan on adding an additional bedroom and bathroom to their place. First step? Tree removal. Lots of trees here at The Lake. Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder kind of describes the location of our individual houses. I do have a lawn. The first real grass that Gypsy can claim as her own. Sis has a lawn "kinda". My folks have a lawn but their lawn is even more "kinda" than Sis'. Weeds need mowing too. I figure if you own a lawn mower which you use to mow down a perimeter of vegetation you "kinda" have a lawn. Sis' hubby spends every weekend during the summer mowing his "lawn". My Dad fires up his lawn mower on a semi-weekly basis. Me? HTP and I have someone come out to mow our lawn. We probably should buy a riding lawn mower and take care of this task ourselves but then we'd have to pay lots of money for a riding lawn mower, gas, maintenance during the summer and winter. Plus, we'd have to mow the lawn on a weekly basis during the summer. We've been thinking about it. So far, we've discarded the idea of buying our own riding mower. That may change. I think HTP is intrigued with the idea of owning his own riding mower. It's a guy thing. However, I must say, it isn't the guys that I'm seeing mowing the lawns here in our little community. I've noted it. More important? HTP has noted it. There's no way that I'm going to start mowing lawns at this point in my life. Ain't happening.
Murphyism of the Day *
Lieberman's Law
Everyone lies, but it doesn't matter since nobody listens.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day*
Writing is not necessarily something to be ashamed of, but do it in private and wash your hands afterwards.
- Robert Heinlein
* My blog is a non-profit entity. However, on occasion I remember to remember to acknowledge the sources where I find my Words of the Day, Murphyisms, and Noteworthy Quotes. So, click on the highlights to access the websites. Here's my annual footnote.
Word of the Day
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Murphyisms - Murphy's Law 26th Anniversary Edition by Arthur Bloch (I love this author and from time to time add my own corollaries.)
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