HTP and I are thinking about putting in the dock today...maybe...partially.
Word of the Day
Heroicism - Conduct or behavior relating to heroism; a lesser form of heroism.
Chocolate-dipped Strawberries. Cheesecake. FedEx brought me a box containing both these tempting caloric treats last night. DD Daughter sent them to me for Mother's Day. Yummy! I sampled four of them last night before I headed to bed. I already gave into temptation this morning and ate two of the strawberries with my morning coffee. I'll have to hike twice as far today and I still won't have burnt up the calories. I fooled myself into using the "waste not, want not" rule this morning. I told myself that if I don't eat the strawberries this morning, they may go bad. Can't have that. Too bad fooling oneself doesn't burn calories. I doubt that the two strawberries that I ate this morning will be the last I eat today. They are SOOOOOOOO good.
I had to refill the birdseed feeders this morning before taking them back outside. The birds have been hitting them hard. I bring the feeders in each night so the raccoons won't get into them. Raccoons can really tear apart a birdseed feeder. They leave the hummingbird and oriole feeders alone but raccoons REALLY love gorging themselves with birdseed....so do the birds. Last night when I went outside to retrieve the feeders, I practically had to shoo away one chickadee who was gorging himself on seeds. The birds were waiting impatiently this morning for me to bring the feeders back outside again. I suspect that I'll need to buy more than the one 25# sack of birdseed that I've got out in the garage.
HTP and I are having someone come out to take out some dead and dying oak trees that could fall on our dock or boat. Normally I don't like to remove trees at The Lake but I don't want to even think about the kind of damage these trees could do to my dock or boat. My insurance rates would go through the roof. Heck! My insurance rates are already through the roof (they went up 50% this year) and I've never even put in a claim.
Murphyism of the Day
Katz's Law
Men and nations will act rationally when all other possibilities have been exhausted.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
To love deeply in one direction makes us more loving in all others.
- Anne-Sophie Swetchine
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