Old Grey Frog, HTP, #1 Son, MC Daughter and D Buddy on Graduation Day - May 9, 2008
Word of the Day
Happifying - Capable of making one happy.
Exhaustion! HTP and I got back home at around 3 AM and went straight to bed. I got up at 9 AM, checked my e-mail, consulted with Sis over the phone about dessert for Mother's Day, started some bread dough for baguettes for tomorrow, made breakfast, and then hopped in the car to pick up the mail in town, pick up the local Free papers for my folks and Sis and me, and then went over to my folks to deliver the papers and pick up Gypsy. I filled them in on the events of yesterday. Our trip to The Big City. After getting back to the my house with Gypsy, I made hunted around until I found my Oriole and Hummingbird feeders. Eureka! They were in the same closet as my windchimes but were hidden in a white plastic bag. I made nectar for the hummingbirds and the orioles and hung out my feeders. No activity so far. After that, I formed two baguettes and one small loaf of bread and stuck them in the oven to rise. Lunch. After lunch, I noted that it looked a bit cloudy outside. Fearing that it might rain, I went outside to rake off the leaves from a couple more of my flower gardens. By the time I got back inside, the loaves of bread had risen and they're in the oven right now baking. I still need to make the dessert for tomorrow's Mother's Day. I'm making sticky buns too but I don't need to start those until later tonight. I'll bake them tomorrow morning and then put the ham in the oven. Sis has lots more on her menu that she's doing. I figure I'm getting off really light this year. Ham is easy. Dessert is easy. Bread is easy. Sticky buns are easy. This is a good thing because I'm tired today. I'll have to catch up on my sleep tonight.
Our trip to The Big City yesterday was successful! The Angel that watches over traffic was guiding us and benevolent. We arrived at HTP's folks' place at around 3 PM and had a brief but nice chat with them before continuing on to pick up MC Daughter and D Buddy at their apartment for the graduation ceremony. We continued on to pick up #1 Son at his apartment and met with one of his roommates and her Mom and Grandparents before heading off to Northrup Auditorium where the graduation ceremony was to be held. They seated us at around 6 PM. The candidates for graduation filed in to the music of Pomp and Circumstance. Speakers. Diplomas. We sneaked out before EVERYONE got their diplomas, got some nice pictures of our graduate, piled into our car and headed off for a late dinner at Ole Mexico. Pretty good but...salsa. I'm a salsa snob. Their salsa wasn't up to my standards. However, the margaritas were just fine. After supper/dinner, we drove everyone to their homes and then hit the road again for our own home. A long drive home. HTP did the driving. I snoozed, on and off. Insomniacs don't sleep well ANYWHERE...especially in planes, trains, and automobiles...but I did nod off.
My bread is done. I'm going to make the dessert next. It's starting to rain. I'm glad I got the leaves raked off that side garden. A tree guy came to look at the trees HTP and I want removed by our dock and when I found out that he had a bobcat, I asked him to add the expansion of my garden to his bid.
Murphyism of the Day
Jacquin's Postulate on Democratic Government
No person's life, liberty, or property is safe while legislature is in session.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Outings are so much more fun when we can savor them through the children's eyes.
- Lawana Blackwell
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