My Dog Kennel Garden and One Brand New Raised Bed - Spring 2008
Word of the Day
Hoodie - A style of sweatshirt that has a hood and a pouch in the front.
Woodtick Count - 14
I woke up to read a temperature of 32.9°F on the base unit of my weather thermometer. The sensor is on my deck. I have no way of knowing if the temperatures dipped even lower than that reading. However, when I went outside to hang out the bird-feeders, I noted a fine layer of ice/frost on my deck railings. My plants (on the deck and in the garden) look OK so far but looks can be deceiving. I won't really know if I have to replace the seedlings until this afternoon when things warm up a bit. If they froze, they'll turn "melt" and it will become obvious that I'll have to return to the nursery for new plants. My Mom cautioned me yesterday afternoon that I probably should cover my plants last night but....I didn't. Ever the heart of a gambler...or maybe just plain laziness. I was tired.
I picked and cleaned 8 ounces of dandelion flowers. I currently have enough frozen dandelions in my freezer to start a double batch of dandelion wine. My Mom showed me a neat way of cleaning the flowers that's a lot easier and....no green. She actually picked and cleaned enough dandelions for me to make up a one whole batch of wine. When cleaning dandelions for wine you try to just use the yellow stuff. You need a lot of yellow stuff (fluff) to get enough for one batch of wine. I noticed a lot of dandelions growing up near my mailbox on the county road. Since my thumb nails (which look a lot like my Mom's thumb nails) are pretty much irreversibly stained at this point, I may see if I can pick and clean enough for at least another batch of wine. We'll see. I can't start making wine immediately anyway. I'll need to buy the rest of the ingredients I'll need for the dandelion the next time I visit the city and that won't be for a while yet.
#1 Son will be leaving to return to The Big City soon. He's got a doctor appointment on Wednesday. Plus...he's got to get back to work. He's helping a friend of his move some stuff and talked briefly about borrowing our Gator for a few days to help move some stuff. We'll see.
Murphyism of the Day
Fibley's Extension to Miles's Law
Where you sit depends on who you know.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
It is no good to try to stop knowledge from going forward. Ignorance is never better than knowledge.
- Enrico Fermi (1901 - 1954)
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